sunboy 發表於 2011-5-2 23:40

出呢個 post 其實真係冇咩著數, 因為已經得罪左個唱片佬, 我以後都吾敢玩踢爆啦.... ...
yuppi 發表於 2011-5-2 21:37


msiu100 發表於 2011-5-2 23:45

出呢個 post 其實真係冇咩著數, 因為已經得罪左個唱片佬, 我以後都吾敢玩踢爆啦.... ...
yuppi 發表於 2011-5-2 21:37

SACD一樣有好多垃圾碟,宝記就係一個例子,AB 比較还要視乎阁下的重播系統,不能一概而論。頭版cd一樣有很多爛碟,其實不同年代有不同的版本復刻推出,有人就喜歡買不同的版本比較,這點亦是玩HiFi或好此道者的樂趣,所謂有麝自然香,真正靚碟自然有人追求。
最可憎百零蚊只碟賣到几舊水o個種,百零蚊買厘聽变左買厘抄, 部份AMCD己經屬於超賣價位了,例如Danny的AMCD根本就係抄價.
c hing話得罪唱片佬,但OPP的人又會好開心. 簡单果句,o岩聽就keep,唔o岩聽就拎去信和套現,係咪?!{:1_338:}

yuppi 發表於 2011-5-2 23:45

回復 41# sunboy

sunboy hing,

收到, 我以後都會注意, 費事俾人話我係打手...{:6_125:}

msiu100 發表於 2011-5-2 23:49


sunboy hing,

收到, 我以後都會注意, 費事俾人話我係打手... ...
yuppi 發表於 2011-5-2 23:45


yuppi 發表於 2011-5-2 23:53

回復 42# msiu100

msiu100 hing,

我明白做生意吾同我地呢d用家, 亦絕對認同做生意一定要賺錢, 吾係搵鬼做咩, 所以我都俾個落台階佢, 無謂同佢嘈落去, 始終多一個朋友好過多一個敵人, 何況將來我仲有機會買佢d碟....{:6_136:}

msiu100 發表於 2011-5-3 00:00

唉! 网络世界,好多人搵食,自己做個精明人就算o拉!

sunboy 發表於 2011-5-3 00:00


sunboy hing,

收到, 我以後都會注意, 費事俾人話我係打手... ...
yuppi 發表於 2011-5-2 23:45


kclam1234 發表於 2011-5-3 01:03

AMCD早幾曰聽過 陳百強 深愛著你 不能入耳聲都沙

sanjoe 發表於 2011-5-3 01:49


    因為頭版CD比較好聲有理由,如想知道我簡單介紹一下。因一個CD模板是有限期。 ...
sanjoe 發表於 2011-5-1 12:25

Glass mastering

Glass mastering is performed in a class 100 (ISO 5) or better clean room or a self-enclosed clean environment within the mastering system. Contaminants introduced during critical stages of manufacturing (eg, dust, pollen, hair, or smoke) can cause sufficient errors to make a master unusable. Once successfully completed, a CD master will be less susceptible to the effects of these contaminants.

During glass mastering, glass is used as a substrate to hold the CD master image while it is created and processed; hence the name. Glass substrates, noticeably larger than a CD, are round plates of glass approximately 240 mm in diameter and 6 mm thick. They often also have a small, steel hub on one side to facilitate handling. The substrates are created specially for CD mastering and one side is polished until it is extremely smooth. Even microscopic scratches in the glass will affect the quality of CDs pressed from the master image. The extra area on the substrate allows for easier handling of the glass master and reduces risk of damage to the pit and land structure when the "father" stamper is removed from the glass substrate.

Once the glass substrate is cleaned using detergents and ultrasonic baths, the glass is placed in a spin coater. The spin coater rinses the glass black with a solvent and then applies either photoresist or dye-polymer depending on the mastering process. Rotation spreads photoresist or dye-polymer coating evenly across the surface of the glass. The substrate is removed and baked to dry the coating and the glass substrate is ready for mastering.

Mastering is performed by a Laser Beam Recorder (LBR) machine. These use one of two recording techniques; photo resist and non-photoresist mastering. Photoresist also comes in two variations; positive photoresist and negative photoresist.

While nearly all mastering to glass is done at multiple speeds for sake of plant efficiency (8X or higher is common), single speed glass mastering (also referred to as 1X glass cutting or 1x glass mastering) is offered by a few CD replication plants as a higher quality process. A large number of audiophiles believe this results in truer reproduction although this has remained a matter of controversy for many years.

sunboy 發表於 2011-5-3 01:54

AMCD早幾曰聽過 陳百強 深愛著你 不能入耳聲都沙
kclam1234 發表於 2011-5-3 01:03

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