sanjoe 發表於 2011-5-6 17:32

回復 89# sunboy

    Above the SACD is remastering analog tape to manufacture

Soundboy 發表於 2011-5-6 18:02


Those were made by Viva.Any HK Universal Music SACD that is NOT in the 極品之選 series was made by Viva and those can have crack in the plastic center hub.林憶蓮's "野花" SACD, released by New Century Workshop, was also made by Viva....and mine has a crack in the center plastic hub.

Soundboy 發表於 2011-5-6 18:08

最想要華納 1+1 or 寶麗金天碟

SACD all made in Japan

All other 華納 1+1 SACD were remastered by Sony Music in the US and made in the US.

All 寶麗金天碟 SACD were made in either Japan or Germany.

sunboy 發表於 2011-5-6 18:09

Those were made by Viva.Any HK Universal Music SACD that is NOT in the 極品之選 series was made...
Soundboy 發表於 2011-5-6 18:02

Oh my God..........just bought the Sandy "Wild Flower" SACD because the price is attractive {:6_200:}

Soundboy Hing, is there any method to prevent "those"cheap SACD disc from being cracked ?{:6_136:}

sunboy 發表於 2011-5-6 18:15

SACD all made in Japan

All other 華納 1+1 SACD were remastered by Sony Music in the US and made ...
Soundboy 發表於 2011-5-6 18:08

Yeah........luckily, I got quite a lot of SACD disc in this series {:6_134:} but can you show (tell) me which of them have the cracking problem found by SACD buyers ?{:6_162:}

Soundboy 發表於 2011-5-6 18:15

本帖最後由 Soundboy 於 2011-5-6 02:17 編輯

Oh my God..........just bought the Sandy "Wild Flower" SACD because the price is attractive {:6_ ...
sunboy 發表於 2011-5-6 02:09

On the Sandy Lam "野花" SACD, look in the center plastic hub.....there is a code number beginning (or ending) with the letter "V"....that is a SACD made by Viva.

Don't know how to prevent cracking.You can try not to store the SACD in the case; some people think it is the case that is cracking the disc.But cracking may come from the player holding the middle of the SACD as well.It is the fault of the SACD manufacturer.

Viva is not the only company with this problem; US' Crest National also has this problem.That's why you should never buy a SACD of Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" that was made in the USA.

sunboy 發表於 2011-5-6 18:22

回復 96# Soundboy

Thankyou for Soundboy C Hing's detail reply and kind advice!   {:1_347:}

I will check them out one by one later when I'm free...........{:1_332:}

Soundboy 發表於 2011-5-6 18:25

Yeah........luckily, I got quite a lot of SACD disc in this seriesbut can you show (tel ...
sunboy 發表於 2011-5-6 02:15

Almost all of my foreign SACDs were made either in the US (by Sony), Japan or Europe....they don't have cracking problems.However, the below SACD was a title released in the US (by Universal Music) and was made by Viva in HK.....

Yes, cracks in the middle.

I know (at least) one of the Demo SACD for the HK High End Audio Visual Show was also made by Viva....and there were a lot of people complaining the SACD's middle was crack.I think it's this one....

sunboy 發表於 2011-5-6 18:35

Soundboy Hing, what will be the most worst condition or situation experienced by other C Hings when they still put a hub-cracked SACD to play ? Will the cracked SACD broken into pieces or the crack lines will extend to the data surface leading to reading problem or even damage the SACD player finally ?{:6_121:}
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