結果都係放棄團購蛇, 換來新蛇上手
都睇佐佢好長時間, 尋日同老世行街, 比此蛇上老世手, 發覺都唔OK好睇喎, 佢又無This kind of Function Watch, 所以立時Endorse 帶走. 平時咪放上我寫字臺, 佢有需要咪黎欏羅{:6_174:}不過團購果幾條蛇就唔好唸啦.. {:6_125:}
幾錢左右??係咪有指南針和氣壓果D?? good watch,十多年前都係戴佢去西藏四驅車之旅 回復 2# tta888
係呀,重有心跳帶添. 2K+ 西藏四驅車之旅
haha161 發表於 2011-4-28 23:36 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Wa.... dream trip......... 咁好,不過貴左D,唔係太捨得,因為我成日會撞表,到時一定好肉痛 ching係潛友?
我都有Mosquito, 不過無電又唔知可唔可以拎去比街邊阿伯換電... {:1_253:}X10M better ching係潛友?
我都有Mosquito, 不過無電又唔知可唔可以拎去比街邊阿伯換電...
ykluk 發表於 2011-4-28 23:41 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Mosquito 係可以自己換電既, 個蓋會好緊下, 可能會整花.
有d潛水鋪會有(電池,胶圈連蓋)賣! 回復 7# ykluk
Although I did dive, but its not Mosquito, its Vector HR, in white.
I was try to wait for something like a Mosquito with a Heart Rate monitor, because I do running more than diving and my Polar died last year... but unfortunately, seems like there's nothing like this in this planet...