Ha ha, X10 is too much for me la {:6_176:} 正野wor {:1_253:} 回復 11# wally
有GPS可以replacing luck嗎!
2oo 回復 13# supra12345
Well, its 1K more than my Vector and those functions are a bit "too advance" or just "nice to have". If that's the case, I'd rather spend that extra 1K to the power cords {:6_182:} hmmm! Right, 1K for power cable is also really attractive. 買咩蛇都冇所謂, 最緊要開心啦~~~~{:1_262:} Tag Heuer {:6_222:} 我用緊D4, HEHE 回復 16# 小瑟
結果都係放棄團購蛇, 換來新蛇上手
男人一定係會搵d野身痕,我地呢d真係算係咁架勒....xdddd- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用