rasheed 發表於 2011-4-18 15:23

回復 10# namial

後置, T205應該都夠...

JID86 發表於 2011-4-18 15:36

回復 8# namial


namial 發表於 2011-4-18 17:32


JID86 發表於 2011-4-18 15:36 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif


JID86, 咁可以分享下你咩原因最後買咗5005.2 ?Thanks.

JID86 發表於 2011-4-18 19:07

回復 13# namial

    Ching, 5005.2 D 聲比較清晰,最重要就係wireless. 後置唔駛入牆...如果唔係裝修時間緊逼,我諗都會整對座地...上76....好鬼毒...

76-Ryu 發表於 2011-4-18 19:15

本帖最後由 76-Ryu 於 2011-4-18 19:16 編輯

Do you have a budget in mind? I assume you like stylish speaker packages?

Around 15K - KEF KHT3005, B&W MT-25/30, Tannoy Arena, Monitor Audio Radius HD
Around 20K - KEF KHT6000, DALI Fazon, Focal Dome
30K and above - Tannoy Arena Highline 500, Monitor Audio Apex

All of these are good looking and sounding system that can be wall mounted.

All the prices are estimates and depend on the configurations of the system (bigger center/subwoofer/5.1/7.1, etc.)

namial 發表於 2011-4-18 21:06


Thanks for your reply.
I think I should provide more information.

My living room is around 13.5 feet (L) x 9.8 feet (W)
13.5 feet (L) - one side will be my TV (Sony 55" NX810)
                  - sofa will place on around 11 feet from TV
I am beginner only, so, my budget will be around 15K-20K (including Amp)
my friend suggest me to buy Onkyo TX-SR608.

And you are right, I prefer stylish speaker {:1_262:}
That's why I like T305 so much once I saw them in KEF.
For usage, is 60% TV Game, 30% movie, 10% music

For Music, I plan to try CAS, do you have any comment on B&W MM-1? I want to buy them for my study room (I want to know if it is good if just put them on my table?)

Hope you can give me some advise.

namial 發表於 2011-4-18 21:08


    Ching, 5005.2 D 聲比較清晰,最重要就係wireless. 後置唔駛入牆...如果唔係裝修時間 ...
JID86 發表於 2011-4-18 19:07 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

明白了, good. wireless 的確方便d. {:1_351:}

76-Ryu 發表於 2011-4-19 02:44

本帖最後由 76-Ryu 於 2011-4-19 06:49 編輯

KEF T Series will do fine for your room size and usage, but ultimately depends on your personal taste, so make sure to try them out first. Stylish speakers usually cost more for the same performance than traditional speakers. The expensive ones have excellent high/mid but would still be limited in their bass because of their sizes. They need a quality subwoofer to bring out their best. You are paying a premium for their looks as well as the space savings. Whether they are worth it is a very personal choice.

IMO, you should set aside around 2/3 for speakers (including subwoofer) and the rest for an AV receiver. Let's say you have a 21K budget, about 14K for speakers and 7K for AV amp. Take a look at the speaker packages I recommended you for the 15K range.

For AV receivers, Onkyo 608/609/70x is a good choice, you may also want to consider Denon 3311, Yamaha 1067, Pioneer LX53, Marantz 6005. These are all around the 7-8K mark, not sure though so shop around for a good deal. Make sure to look for an AV amp w/ pre-out if want to upgrade your system for music listening in the future.

For CAS, I haven't listen to the B&W MM-1 yet in person so I won't comment, though they do seem pretty good from looking at the reviews. Audioengine is a cheaper alternative, click here: http://audioengineusa.com/

Another alternative is to look at a Sonos system. I am using a Sonos system at home right now and it has been working flawlessly, I can't recommend this enough. The Sonos S5 is perfect for a study, has very good sound quality and is priced about the same as the MM-1. It works really really well with an iPod Touch/iPhone as a remote to choose and control your music. The only downside is that there is currently no HK distributor so you'd have to purchase online. Take a look here for more info: http://www.sonos.com/

Hope this helps.

steveho 發表於 2011-4-19 07:53

本帖最後由 steveho 於 2011-4-19 07:58 編輯

回復 17# namial

    T SERIES 都可以WIRELESS的, 不過加舊野好貴 {:6_190:}

namial 發表於 2011-4-19 14:38

回復 18# 76-Ryu

Thanks a lot for your suggestion and advise. I think I really need to go out to try them first.

I was also include Cambridge Audio Minx in my list too. is it good too?
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