jan97 發表於 2011-4-17 10:12

My small home theater

Sharing some pictures of my home theatre inside my small room.
Screen:Cyrus 80 inch
Projector:Panasonic AE4000
AV receiver:Denon 4311
Amplifier:Marantz PM11S2
CD player:Marantz SA15S2
Bluray player:Oppo 93
L/R speakers:Dynaudio Focus 110
Center speaker:Dynaudio Focus 200c
Rear speakers:Dynaudio Excite X12
Subwoofere:JL Audio FAthom F110

fuman0123 發表於 2011-4-17 10:22


jan97 發表於 2011-4-17 10:40

回復 2# fuman0123


timka 發表於 2011-4-17 11:23

好正呀, 不過欠一張全家幅WO{:6_190:}

fm31331 發表於 2011-4-17 11:23


jan97 發表於 2011-4-17 11:49

回復 4# timka

    here it is

hellodanny 發表於 2011-4-17 12:18

Jan97 hing,

Very nice set up!

會否用回 Dynadio stand 好一点??

ekylam 發表於 2011-4-17 12:37

Very nice setup and it seems the whole flat is only used for AV. Great! With the space, you can place floor stand speakers.

Just one comment - I don't see any other furniture, and I think they should be arrived soon right? If not there might be too much echo and feedback etc as there seems nothing to absorb sound waves.

hellodanny 發表於 2011-4-17 12:46

Agreed with ekylam hing should used floor stand speaker instead of bookself speaker...
Also, need to do some room accoustic to reduce sound 反射... 房太光要做吸光及要地面放carpet 吸音/光..

hellodanny 發表於 2011-4-17 12:48

just like that...

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