我已經好少買香港碟!- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 回復 24# fm31331
same as you 本帖最後由 Soundboy 於 2011-3-31 01:09 編輯
I don't think the music companies should stop doing reissues....just stop doing the reissues so often.It's almost like a yearly marketing program for the music companies to do reissues.If the music companies want to do reissues, reissue something that has never appear before on CD.On the other hand, I do understand what the music companies are going through and the reissues are what's keeping the money coming in.
I still buy CDs.I don't download at all.Just clicking on a music file and listening to music using a computer (or server) takes away some of the great experiences of buying music.I think only people of a certain age will understand that feeling. 應該多些媒介推動音樂,不能局限於無X垃圾台來做。我都是一個Hi-Fi 友,沒有理由聽一些耳熟能祥金曲,而不接受 ...
sanjoe 發表於 2011-3-31 00:38 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
這個不是非黑即白既世界,也不是一條是非題.........{:6_238:} 本帖最後由 doordoor999 於 2011-3-31 10:37 編輯
回復 4# bh72bh72
個個年代都話新不如舊, 當年不停話alan 只係幸運, 哥哥唔識唱歌, 四大天王得個樣(除左學友真係識唱), joey, eason未夠班靠包裝......
只有自己年青時愛聽的才是最好, 每個年代都有較值錢的古董, 遲d而家我地話唔得個d, 又會被復黑, HQ, AQ, AM, LP, K2{:6_168:}
大包圍之下, 總會出到人地的心頭好, 買回憶的消費者都係一網成擒, 但可唔可以質素好時售價平D{:6_175:} 依家D復刻版CD又真係好貴,隻隻都要百四五蚊,有D仲索價百八百九大元,簡直搶錢,仲貴過BD!{:6_199:} 依家D復刻版CD又真係好貴,隻隻都要百四五蚊,有D仲索價百八百九大元,簡直搶錢,仲貴過BD! ...
sunboy 發表於 2011-3-31 11:26 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
完全同意, 復刻好, 唔復刻又好, 再唔係出靚聲精選又好.小弟記得當年96-97年時, 香港經濟超好, 那時已有好多靚聲系列, 如寶記的88( denon remix) 和華納的金碟系列, 都係sell 靚聲, 但都只係買 $7x至 $8x一隻. 和其他新cd 價錢差不多.但依家d "靚聲碟, 由 blu-spec ($12X起), K2HD ($13X起), AMCD ($14X起), SONY 的 K2HD ($14X), 睇個價錢真係越賣賣貴, 又鍾意玩 No, 人為製造"有買趁早"的現象.
小弟過去多年都好支持正版, 但眼見生產商的市場策略, 正版店的炒風, 都真係好無奈 !