香港唱片商不停食老本,沒有新人又無新歌,不斷出精選和復黑或用新科技包裝唱片。簡直令人生厭。 agree!!!**正常價錢質素有所提升除外 It is all market needs, today, no good singers, no good songs, young people won't buy CD but download MP3, most people will buy CDs are coming from middle class and they listened to 70s-80s songs (most of the songs are good at that era), so they are willing to spend $$ to buy CDs, so if I am 唱片商, in order to survive, must release 精選和復黑, otherwise, no more music in HK 因為新不如舊.... 回復 5# bh72bh72
100% agree !{:6_190:} 如果唔出"XX精選和復黑或用新科技包裝唱片"下下都要買舊版....咁啲舊版咪越抄越貴{:6_192:} 你要佢地停止?咁咪即係要佢地執笠{:1_253:} 你有權唔買,但冇權阻止佢出!
回复: 香港唱片商停止推出什麼精選和復黑
咁出唱片既人不思進取者而家重有幾多人有play CD 既device?
連format 都進唔上莫講話生存
发送自我的 HTC Magic 大板凳 回復 7# pineapple2007
師兄你又有point wor..........我都非常同意,有D舊版真係貴到冇朋友!{:6_194:}