求 around 10K 2CH INT.AMP 推介
小弟終於"的"起心肝賣了入門中置及 AVamp.e+ 想入部 2CH INT.AMP 屋企只行兩聲
聽呢道 CHING 講 ATOLL IN100SE 好似性價比高又法國製造
另外請問各位 ching 仲有冇其他 around 10K2CH INT.AMP 推介俾小為對比吓呢?
感激!!! {:6_195:}
回复: 求 around 10K 2CH INT.AMP 推介
Naim 5i 都唔錯! Roksan K2http://www.roksan.co.uk/roksan/roksanpage.php?pageno=11 naim 5i2 have pre-out ,good choice , but ching becareful ....use naim need one set.......{:1_339:} speaker cable,cd player......... Roksan K2 x 2
if you like what we call England style sound, this is your cup of tea. it's all made in England. thanks chings for the recommends! may I know where to try "Roksan K2"
however, I'm also interesting on Marantz, do chings have any comment on this 2ch int. amp?! thanks agaiN! thanks chings for the recommends! may I know where to try "Roksan K2"
however, I'm also interesting ...
kitsiu81 發表於 2011-3-9 10:32 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Marantz呢個價位真係唔好諗 回復 1# kitsiu81
師兄推什麼喇叭呢 {:1_342:} 這個價位, 個人覺得馬仔唔夠歐洲機好味道, 原產地歐洲機來來去去都是那幾隻{:1_245:} 不如俾多皮零野 {:6_222:}
多好多選擇 {:6_222:}
求 around 10K 2CH INT.AMP 推介
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