captain688 發表於 2011-3-10 22:55 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我有買過呀!不過就千零蚊既t-amp同dac,收左貨試左正常一9改哂入面d 野啦!{:6_235:}
都唔駛佢保養啦!哈哈!{:6_174:}太貴既器材都唔會係淘寶訂la!{:6_238:} Ching, how about Densen, i use B-320 poweramp!I know their Int-amp is very good too! Roksan K2 very good~~~
0岩0岩買左 好滿意
求 around 10K 2CH INT.AMP 推介
Thanks all chingS for the advises, I have finally bought atoll in100se n happy and its performance!- 發送自 Jt 的 iPhone