forumboy 發表於 2009-1-27 12:50

有無人up過605?? 有咩唔同??

kingleecm 發表於 2009-1-28 02:19

Try a Normal CD upscale audio.
yuppi 發表於 2009-1-27 12:19

無呀 ... {:1_260:}

yuppi 發表於 2009-1-28 11:54

Add 906 / DTR-9.9 Main Firmware

yuppi 發表於 2009-5-28 01:03

ADD 876/886/906/9.9 DSP

876/906 機主就算吾up MAin Firmware 都一定要 up 呢個 DSP{:6_146:}

kelvinchan502 發表於 2009-6-4 02:05


alzard 發表於 2009-6-4 13:37

ADD 876/886/906/9.9 DSP

876/906 機主就算吾up MAin Firmware 都一定要 up 呢個 DSP{:6_146:}
yuppi 發表於 2009-5-28 01:03

Update左﹐而家唔駛驚pop pop聲

yuppi 發表於 2009-6-7 01:22

kelvinchan502 發表於 2009-6-4 02:05
無呀 ... {:6_146:}

諸星當 發表於 2009-6-8 11:13

906 的Main Firmware 死咗,無得down.
另外小弟乃電腦盲,現打算update dsp 因用CD就可,因橫樹update 完會無曬setting data。
所以想更新埋Main Firmware。不知可否幫忙教一教小弟及有否容易點的方法呢??{:1_347:}{:1_347:}{:1_347:}

yuppi 發表於 2009-6-22 22:10

ONKYO Thai 為用戶提供 Firmware 大更新!!!!

Main Version 1.06
Model TX-NR906
FW Main
Ver. 106
Ver. Display 9 1.06/09116B
To display Version, press DISPLAY+STANDBY
Remarks: For unstable output based on 576i input (PAL), this FW and complicated hardware modification are necessary.

HDMI Version 1.00
Model TX-NR906
Ver. 100
Ver. Display 1.00/08627A
To display Version, press "Display"+"Standby" --> "Tone+" 4 times
Remarks: HDMI control microprocessor which supports:
HDMI Ver.1.3a RX-TX Repeater
DeepColor36bit, 30bit
xvYCC (Profile0)
High Bit Rate Audio
PC Timing (WUXGA)

Main Version 1.06
Model TX-SR876
FW Main
Ver. 106
Ver. Display 87 1.05/09116B
To display Version, press DISPLAY+STANDBY
Remarks: For unstable output based on 576i input (PAL), this FW and complicated hardware modification are necessary.

HDMI Version 1.00
Model TX-SR876
Ver. 100
Ver. Display 1.00/08627A
To display Version, press "Display"+"Standby" --> "Tone+" 4 times
Remarks: HDMI control microprocessor which supports:
HDMI Ver.1.3a RX-TX Repeater
DeepColor36bit, 30bit
xvYCC (Profile0)
High Bit Rate Audio
PC Timing (WUXGA)

Main Version 1.05
Model TX-SR806
FW Main
Ver. 105
Ver. Display 1.05/08X20A
To display Version, press DISPLAY+STANDBY
Remarks: Change in factory work

Main Version 1.05
Model TX-SR706
FW Main
Ver. 105
Ver. Display 1.05/08X20A
To display Version, press DISPLAY+STANDBY
Remarks: Change in factory work

Main Version 1.03
Model TX-SR606
FW Main
Ver. 103
Ver. Display 1.03/08630A
To display Version, press DISPLAY + ON/STANDBY
Remarks: Mainly small bug fixes)
While CEC's PowerControl was enabled, APOWER would still remain high even Protection mode was activated.
When TV was turned on by Remote Control with CEC ready in 606 and Viera PZ800, the volume of 606 could not be changed by Remote Controller.

Main Version 1.09
Model TX-NR905
FW Main
Ver. 109
Ver. Display 9 1.09/08414A
To display Version, press +
Remarks: This version is effective only for DTR-8.8 with speaker settings set by AudysseyPro.

HDMI Version 1.02 (Special)
Model TX-NR905
Ver. 102
Ver. Display 1.02/08528A
To display Version, press + and then twice (605/5.8/705/6.8)
+ and then 4 times (805/7.8/875/9.8)
Remarks: With HDMI connection between TV, AV Receiver, and Source device,
sound could be interrupted when TV is off.
This depends on the connected devices and is not a real problem but can be prevented by loading this new FW.

Main Version 1.09
Model TX-SR875
FW Main
Ver. 109
Ver. Display 87 1.09/08Y19A
To display Version, press +
Remarks: slightly longer muting time as a measure against noise in Blu-ray disc "Golden Compass"
This is really rare case.
Update should be done only for Blu-ray disc "Golden Compass".

HDMI Version 1.02 (Special )
Model TX-SR875
Ver. 102
Ver. Display 1.02/08528A
To display Version, press + and then twice (605/5.8/705/6.8)
+ and then 4 times (805/7.8/875/9.8)
Remarks: With HDMI connection between TV, AV Receiver, and Source device,
sound could be interrupted when TV is off.
This depends on the connected devices and is not a real problem but can be prevented by loading this new FW.

Main Version 1.08
Model TX-SR805
FW Main
Ver. 108
Ver. Display 8 1.08/08223A
To display Version, press +
Remarks: When powered on just after upgrade, "E2PROM ERROR" will be shown.
In this case, unplug the AC cord and plug it again.
S/N Marking: "S"
Service Bulletin No.08001

HDMI Version 1.02 (Special )
Model TX-SR805
Ver. 102
Ver. Display 1.02/08528A
To display Version, press + and then twice (605/5.8/705/6.8)
+ and then 4 times (805/7.8/875/9.8)
Remarks: This is not applied to Production.
With HDMI connection between TV, AV Receiver, and Source device,
sound could be interrupted when TV is off.
This depends on the connected devices and is not a real problem but can be prevented by loading this new FW.

Main Version 1.06
Model TX-SR705
FW Main
Ver. 106
Ver. Display 106Main1.06/08223A
To display Version, press +
Remarks: When powered on just after upgrade, "E2PROM ERROR" will be shown.
In this case, unplug the AC cord and plug it again.
S/N Marking: "S"
Service Bulletin No.08001

HDMI Version 1.02 (Special)
Model TX-SR705
Ver. 102
Ver. Display 1.02/08528A
To display Version, press + and then twice (605/5.8/705/6.8)
+ and then 4 times (805/7.8/875/9.8)
Remarks: This is not applied to Production.
With HDMI connection between TV, AV Receiver, and Source device,
sound could be interrupted when TV is off.
This depends on the connected devices and is not a real problem but can be prevented by loading this new FW.

Main Version 1.05
Model TX-SR605
FW Main
Ver. 105
Ver. Display Main.1.05/08225A
To display Version, press +
Remarks: When powered on just after upgrade, "E2PROM ERROR" will be shown.
In this case, unplug the AC cord and plug it again.
S/N Marking: "S"
Service Bulletin No.08001

HDMI Version 1.02 (Special )
Model TX-SR605
Ver. 102
Ver. Display 1.02/08528A
To display Version, press + and then twice (605/5.8/705/6.8)
+ and then 4 times (805/7.8/875/9.8)
Remarks: This is not applied to Production.
With HDMI connection between TV, AV Receiver, and Source device,
sound could be interrupted when TV is off.
This depends on the connected devices and is not a real problem but can be prevented by loading this new FW.

mace 發表於 2009-6-23 20:38

29# yuppi


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