*** 老人家緍紗照(已加相)
本帖最後由 REAC 於 2011-2-20 00:04 編輯各位師兄, 想請教一些關於人像攝影的心得. 有一個組織要請攝影師去幫一些老人家影傳統的緍紗照,他們人手夠,叫我去幫手影,
相是要即影,後即印出來的, 因我技述及裝備很有限! 我怕影差了便影響他們(公公婆婆很辛苦才老遠來化裝影相呢), 心裹知可否答應?
其實什麽setting 及裝備用來影中式緍禮是比較穩陣呢?
地点: 領南大學 (可能在一個Hall, 課室 或 户外影)
時間: 本周六 (9:00am to 5:00pm)
有壓力呀, 多謝各位師兄賜教先, 無言感謝!!{:1_347:} {:1_260:} {:6_183:} 本帖最後由 ahnel 於 2011-2-15 16:50 編輯
如果有其他有經驗o既朋友一齊影, 而你D相又唔係主要要交功課果D, 我就覺得不妨一試~
人總會有第一次家嘛, 唔影過真係唔知會衰D咩~ GOGOGO {:6_193:}
不過一定要有閃光燈, 冇閃真係唔知點搞, 借都要問人借支~{:6_142:}
其實師兄果個係咩組織, 做義工幫公公婆婆影相好有意義, 我都有興趣~ Ahnel C-Hing,
I really need to say thank you for your respond and advice!!! {:6_162:}And, OK, I will get a flashlight and join it! {:6_208:}
Also, thank you for your interest as well. Please note that there are 100 old couples and they will be dressed up and make up done by other volunteer.
Photos will be taken at 3 settings. They already have 8 photographers and may need 1 to 3 more. They ask if anybody can help doing video recording?
Please see the event details below:
Event Name:『同一藍天』2011慈善活動---「懷舊情人節」
Date: Feb 19, 2011 (10:00am - 3:30pm)
Venue: 嶺南大學 (outdoor)
Organization name: 同一藍天社群心 and other organizators as shown in the poster below:
If interested, please contact me on/before this Wednesday evening so that I can email the details to you.
Thank you so much for your help!! {:6_162:} 今次真係去唔到喇, 因為星期六要番工, 過埋今個月公司就開始放長短週, 如果REAC兄要攝影義工的話即管搵在下幫手~ {:6_162:} 回復 4# ahnel
Ahnel兄, 很感謝你的回覆及攝影意見, 絕對無問題呀! 張來一定有機會一齊映相的 (或者先在版聚活動下一擊見)! {:1_249:}同時我係應該試映下同事物的, 且又可以做D有意義的事. 我會努力的! Thanks!{:1_264:} {:1_264:} REAC Ching! Add oil ah!!!!!{:6_224:} 期待你精彩作品{:6_142:} 回復 6# firework8hk
花火兄,多謝支持, 一定會盡力的 !! {:6_235:} 回復 7# happylui
Happylui 兄, 我會盡量帶些相會來post 呀. Thanks! 回復happylui
Happylui 兄, 我會盡量帶些相會來post 呀. Thanks!
REAC 發表於 2011-2-15 23:21 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif