發表於 2011-4-18 02:14
本帖最後由 Big_McIn 於 2011-4-18 06:20 編輯
謝謝師兄回覆,我本身其實係初學者,不過由唔同既外國source見到好多人都係話1出2會比較 ...
avmaster22 發表於 2011-4-17 15:05
多謝引用Velodyne其他型號Subwoofer來討論,除DD series外,他們真的建議使用Y splitter來加強喚醒subwoofer效果;如果使用Y splitter是必然的話,他們理應提供Y splitter為基本配件,但實際要自己另購,這又令消費者費解。
1. 不過以樓主提出Sunfire HRS 12,說明書內所提Y splitter使用情況卻有所不同。
If your processor or receiver has a subwoofer output (Sub/LFE), it should be connected to the subwoofer’s Left input as shown. This is the simplest and recommended connection.
Connections using Y cables
If your processor does not have a Sub/LFE output, you can use “Y” cables (or Y adaptors) to send its left and right main outputs to both the subwoofer and your amplifier.
2. JL Audio f113則說:For systems with a mono subwoofer or “LFE” channel connection, only the RCA-type jack labeled “Left or Mono” will be used. This applies to most modern multi-channel receivers and preamplifier / processors. Separate left and right RCA-type input jacks are provided for systems without a dedicated mono subwoofer connection. This typically applies to two-channel audio equipment.
不同廠家,甚至同一廠家,不同models(VX11 vs DD Series)演釋都有出入,這令新手摸不著頭腦,倒不如簡化它,Simply is the Best。
總括來說,使用一隻sub仔,AV Receiver是新model,使用一條subwoofer線是基本而簡易接駁,本人出帖理念亦是以簡單為本,以免版友看到一頭霧水,發燒見解,即如使用Y splitter可將sub聲量加大等等,我喜歡在本人「家庭影院」帖內發表。
發表於 2011-4-18 11:34
本帖最後由 avmaster22 於 2011-4-18 11:48 編輯