發表於 2011-1-24 19:07
回復 18# yauyau282
amp speaker 好似平左比你, 但坤你買平價cable高價賣比你, 回本......
發表於 2011-1-24 21:16
回復 19# wwwbrian
contact: Apollo Audio/Video <>
Oasis 6 3m mono with retail packaging : US$90 (including shipping to HK)
Oasis 6 3m mono WITHOUT retail packaging : US$72 (including shipping to HK)
發表於 2011-1-24 22:31
回復 13# Big_McIn
hi big ching...seeking yr comment do you think the sound performance (subwoofer) will be significantly improved after changing the new RCA? thanks....{:6_162:}
發表於 2011-1-25 00:14
hi big ching...seeking yr comment do you think the sound performance (subwoofer) w ...
wwwbrian 發表於 2011-1-24 22:31
Depands on the quality of you rsubwoofer, your in-use sub cable and how long you are using.
If you have to use a very long subwoofer cable, choose a better one, of course.
發表於 2011-4-17 12:35
現今Subwoofer設計是供接駁AV 5.1/7.1和兩聲道兩方面使用,接駁和調校有所不同,現就只提接駁。
1. AV...
Big_McIn 發表於 2011-1-24 14:59
Ching, how about subwoofers with LFE jack? For brands such as Velodyne, they actually recommend to use 1 to 2 connection.
發表於 2011-4-17 13:21
本帖最後由 Big_McIn 於 2011-4-17 13:34 編輯
Ching, how about subwoofers with LFE jack? For brands such as Velodyne, they actually recommend to ...
avmaster22 發表於 2011-4-17 12:35
1. What you mentioned is only the discussion between two persons in one of the forums, not the Official Manual issued by Velodyne.
2. 以DD Series為例,如以XLR 接駁,DD series就只得一個XLR Input。
3. Subwoofer是設計出來接駁stereo和AV 5.1/7.1用,所以大多有Phase control, Stereo Input, Crossover Point 等等,以上都是用在接駁Stereo system。
4. 市場Subwoofer線大多都是單一條售買。
5. LFE/低頻是單聲道。
以上2-5都是解釋本人說法,當然玩AV/HiFi是很主觀,沒有定律,玩AV5.1/7.1接兩條Sub 線入一隻Subwoofer,本人認為無必要,用了亦無正面影响。
發表於 2011-4-17 15:05
本帖最後由 avmaster22 於 2011-4-17 15:19 編輯
回復 26# Big_McIn
謝謝師兄回覆,我本身其實係初學者,不過由唔同既外國source見到好多人都係話1出2會比較好,而Velodyne官方亦建議用Y-splitter接駁LFE jacks比較好,可參考 不過呢個thread內亦有同師兄你差不多既睇法:
"Regarding the Y splitter - unless the sub's dual voice coils are not wired together (unlikely unless you buy a DIY driver like the Tempest), there is no difference in sound. Adding a Y splitter doubles the voltage and it adds 3 dB in volume and - yes - helps with sleepy auto-on circuits. If Velo recommends it then go for it."
另以下文字是從VX1 menu內擷取出來 (
Your new subwoofer is equipped with speaker-level and line-level inputs. Use the LINE LEVEL jacks when connecting your subwoofer to a pre-amp, signal processor, integrated receiver, line-level crossover, or receiver with pre-amp level outputs. These devices will often have a Low Frequency Effects (LFE) jack which is dedicated for subwoofer use. When using the line level jacks, some receivers may not provide enough signal to have the unit’s auto-on feature operate properly. Additionally, this lack of signal may also cause the subwoofer to produce less output than it is capable of. To alleviate this condition, we recommend the following steps:
1) If using line level jacks, BOTH THE LEFT AND RIGHT INPUT SHOULD ALWAYS BE USED – never use just the left or just the right input. If the subwoofer’s input comes from the LFE channel of your receiver, use a “Y” splitter to divide the single input into two inputs for the Left and Right subwoofer inputs. This dual male-to-female “Y” splitter can be found at your local electronics store. If using line level connections from a preamp or signal processor, use both Left and Right inputs from your preprocessor or preamp and connect them to the Left and Right inputs on your subwoofer.
發表於 2011-4-17 15:32
發表於 2011-4-17 16:57
咁我想問一吓,若原本用緊系一出二的SUB CABLE,但只插SUB仔的其中一個接口(R or L)會不會比同時插兩個會好一點? 還是要用返一出一先得呢???
發表於 2011-4-17 18:24
我用新線1>1接sub仔L input之後較大db值,
你可以同一setting,1>1 之後聽吓,再試1>2
睇吓邉樣好,但係1>1 有change講會小3個db所以較大db