發表於 2011-6-3 20:52
原來呢隻唔關華納事架, 係newcentry出, 即係出機遇k2hd果間
佢既AMCD咩技術咁巴閉, 仲貴過華納堆AMCD, 公價 ...
Will 發表於 2011-6-2 21:49 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
發表於 2011-6-3 23:43
本帖最後由 Soundboy 於 2011-6-3 07:48 編輯
So "amcd" is not WEA only products and is no joke.
timesquare 發表於 2011-6-2 16:50 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
WEA is in no position to create "new technology", and even if WEA came up with something special, it will want to sell (or license) it to another company.See examples of JVC's XRCD.Whatever AMCD is, it still has to conform to the specifications of being a CD.WEA can remaster its music using any technology (i.e. HDCD, DSD, etc.), but the final result is still a CD.So what WEA want us to hear is the "better material" of AMCD and a new remastering of the music.I'm not so sure that I can hear "better material" of a CD, especially when we are talking about a laser reading pits on a disc.New remastering?Maybe.
I am not saying whether AMCD sound good or not (I haven't had time to compare), but I am just saying that I am not expecting magic.A well-engineered CD (or SACD, vinyl record, etc.) can sound very good, but it takes a combination of good source material (not necessarily 1st generation master tape), a good recording/mastering engineer, and good production of of the CD (or SACD, vinyl record, etc.) to make it happen.
發表於 2011-6-4 00:03
發表於 2011-6-6 23:48
最新五款AMCD資料, 感謝lawzelda, soundboy各ching提供情報
01. 突破
02. 漣漪
03. 喝采
04. 太陽花
05. 有了你
06. 念親恩
07. 幾分鐘的約會
08. 沙灘中的腳印
09. 快樂醜小鴨
10. 思想走了光
11. 失業生
12. 飛出去
01. 誘惑 (清唱)
02. 紅日我愛你
03. 聖誕夜
04. 這一個夜
05. 誘惑
06. 就算
07. 戲中戲
08. 千枝針刺在心
09. 投奔那方
10. 為誰忙
11. 心聲
12. 高歌 Number 9
01. 情感的禁區
02. 重賜我生命
03. 千個想不通
04. 當中究竟
05. 情在呼吸裡
06. 永遠愛你
07. Mademoiselle親一親我
08. 下雨晚上
09. 錯覺
10. 急凍癡情
11. Jenny我不會
羅文-羅文紀念全集 5 :卉
01. 梅
02. 牡丹
03. 水仙
04. 山茶
05. 桂花
06. 曇花
07. 菟絲
08. 紅棉
09. 含笑
10. 海棠
11. 紫薇
12. 紫荊
13. 杜鵑
01. 小丑
02. 天籟 '85
03. 逝去的心
04. 天鳥
05. 快樂老實人
06. 流浪歌手
07. 泥路上 (with 盧業瑂)
08. 求你不要走
09. 愛是這樣甜
10. 過路人
11. 哈利哈利 (Harley Harley)
12. 又再想起妳
發表於 2011-6-6 23:51
回復 474# Will
發表於 2011-6-7 00:03
lawzelda 發表於 2011-6-6 23:51 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我都係google+yesasia search姐, 感謝你既資料提供就真{:6_193:}
發表於 2011-6-7 01:46
Good to know phase 4 is coming strong. I think i will order online again this time to avoid crazy pricing like last time. especially on Danny stuff. {:6_193:}
發表於 2011-6-7 02:37
I was what happened to HK Universal's K2CD and gold CD reissues.No new releases recently.
發表於 2011-6-7 03:29
Not sure, but my hard earned cash need to spent wisely. That is why i purchase AMCD.
發表於 2011-6-8 21:49
I was what happened to HK Universal's K2CD and gold CD reissues.No new releases recently.
Soundboy 發表於 2011-6-7 02:37 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif