calvin629 發表於 2011-1-14 04:57

Stone-age speakers + new toys (Updated)

本帖最後由 calvin629 於 2011-1-25 03:10 編輯

My messy home + AV system

My 10 years old Yamaha DSP-AX1 finally certified, certain channels including left front channel are dead. Since it is a stone-age item, not worth to waste money to fix, I decided to purchase a new AMP and replace the 10 yrs old stone-age Plasma also.The stone-age Plasma had been malfunction once and cost me $6xxx to fix {:6_154:} , and it runs fine and never have any problem again.

Stone-age Fujitsu Plasma, just a monitor, not even have a TV tuner

Stone-age front speakers, Roger CS9 + my dog

Stone-age center speaker, Bose VCS-10

Stone-age surround speakers, AR the edge + Stone-age rear center speaker, Atlantic 153c (now use as the surround back speaker with the new AMP)

Stone-age front effect speakers, MB Quart QLA 460CTA (now use as the front height speakers with the new AMP)

Stone-age sub-woofer, Dali SWA-8

Stone-age DVD player, Pioneer DV-S737 + new Pioneer DSX-1020 AMP {:6_128:}

Stone-age Pioneer DVR + 胆機 (for music purpose)

Setting up the Pioneer DSX-1020 using the Auto MCACC function, so easy!!

Still neck long waiting for the new 3D Plasma Panasonic TH-P42GT20H and Panasonic BD player DMP-DBT300 to arrive around end of this month {:6_148:}

Thanks for watching!

marcolam 發表於 2011-1-14 07:06

thanks of sharing. {:6_193:}

lippito 發表於 2011-1-14 09:39

Nice setup for existing speakers,擺位好正,新電視同 BD 機到時 ching 記住再包膠下!

corolladv 發表於 2011-1-14 13:00

好正, 個人主義.....正{:6_193:}

leo25 發表於 2011-1-14 13:26

可以慢慢換哂佢 {:6_193:}

avlam 發表於 2011-1-14 13:31

{:6_189:} 回復 1# calvin629

hy358 發表於 2011-1-14 13:33

{:6_193:}1020 同號 {:6_237:} 隻 bose 中置細隻又靚仔,請問幾錢到呀? thx

calvin629 發表於 2011-1-14 15:49

Nice setup for existing speakers,擺位好正,新電視同 BD 機到時 ching 記住再包膠下! ...
lippito 發表於 14-1-2011 09:39 AM

around end of month {:6_140:}

calvin629 發表於 2011-1-14 15:51

1020 同號隻 bose 中置細隻又靚仔,請問幾錢到呀? thx
hy358 發表於 14-1-2011 01:33 PM

Bose center speaker..I remember something $2500-$3000....

had been searching for this right size speaker for a long u can see..not much space left between the Plasma and the table...

calvin629 發表於 2011-1-14 15:53

leo25 發表於 14-1-2011 01:26 PM

If I win mark six.....
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