calvin629 發表於 2011-1-24 02:50

o, thx brother, let check this out this Sun sin
hy358 發表於 21-1-2011 11:57 PM

Did u find the bose speaker?

hy358 發表於 2011-1-24 09:53

Did u find the bose speaker?
calvin629 發表於 2011-1-24 02:50

    not yet ar....I didn't go MK these few days. BTW, in this price range, I would prefer to buy Quad center to match my front spk. {:6_178:}

calvin629 發表於 2011-1-25 00:55

not yet ar....I didn't go MK these few days. BTW, in this price range, I would prefer to buy...
hy358 發表於 24-1-2011 09:53 AM

Definitely should go for the brand as your front...but you said your boss not approved ma {:6_133:}

calvin629 發表於 2011-1-25 03:49


新朋友 (Plasma + PF30 + BDP + 1020)

非常喜歡個wall mount, Plasma 可在軌上左右移動...


我個仔...新屎坑...打wii都開3D {:6_223:}

Waiting for the Plasma for almost two weeks, so excited to receive it on last Saturday. First bad news is, there is a small chip on the surface of the screen, right in the center, kind of like a stone chip on your car windshield{:6_197:}

Even worst, later I found out there is a paper like this stable to the box. WTF!!! Probably Shun Hing or the shop already noticed the defect already, I guess somehow someone on99 and deliver this shit to me instead of putting it in rubbish bin {:6_199:} Unless they think I am super stupid and won't notice anything....

Bad bad news is this is not NEW!! Probbaly a display or returned item {:6_153:} It had been used for 483 hrs already....I only received the shit on Saturday{:6_125:}

Anyway, Shun Hing technican will come tomorrow and check the defect....and I believe they will change another one for me...

六合彩又唔見中!!! 小!!! {:6_131:}

hy358 發表於 2011-1-25 09:22

Definitely should go for the brand as your front...but you said your boss not approved ma {:6_133: ...
calvin629 發表於 2011-1-25 00:55

    in fact, my boss didn't approve anything even I targeted to buy a new center this year {:6_216:}
The size of Bose gives me chances to talk to my boss ma........thin and "handsome" {:6_192:}

calvin629 發表於 2011-1-25 18:40

Seafooo came and check today, will change another one tomorrow {:6_174:}

Hopefully no problem and no dead pixels!

calvin629 發表於 2011-1-27 01:26

TV changed today!!! Everything is good!! Happy!
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