發表於 2015-9-18 11:05
博洛龐 發表於 2015-9-18 09:29 static/image/common/back.gif
thanks 師兄,唔打算搬機去試了,依家決定買對啱聽喇叭先,返到去發覺唔夠推就加多部amp算.
買M2時是在代理, ...
已停產的座地係FR-5, 留意下Focal 1008BE / Acoustic Energy AE 1 Reference.
發表於 2015-9-20 09:58
ANWKLO 發表於 2015-9-18 11:05 static/image/common/back.gif
已停產的座地係FR-5, 留意下Focal 1008BE / Acoustic Energy AE 1 Reference.
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)
發表於 2015-10-31 11:51
1. ANWKLO - Caspian M1 Integrated Amp, M1 Mono blocks, Kandy K2 CDP, Caspian FR-5 Speakers
2. doraemon18 -Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
3. x-bird - Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
4. 米赫洛域- Caspian M2 Integrated Amp
5. gc167 - Kandy K2 Integrated Amp + K2 CDP
6. Yipsum - Caspian M1 Preamp + M1 Stereo Power Amp
7. hayboden - Caspian M2 Integrated Amp + M2 CDP
8. odin1983 - Caspian M2 Integrated Amp
9. kimcity- Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
10. ciboys - Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
11. timehill - Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
12. jerryyau - Caspian M2 Integrated Amp
13. 博洛pang - Caspian M2 Integrated Amp
14. sealteam4 - Kandy L.III Integrated Amplifier + CD player
15. mclaren-Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
16. 黑柴 - Caspian M2 CDP
17. ack_lam - Kandy 3 Channel Power Amplifier
18. fightclub - Caspian M2 CDP + M1 Integrated Amp + M1 Stereo Power Amp (bi-amp)
19. wahth- Caspian M1 Integrated Amp + Kandy CDP
20. wung0317 - Kandy K2 Integrated Amp + K2 CDP
21. bean0903 - Caspian M2 Integrated Amp
22. dennistam - Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
23. louis9968 - KA1 mk3 amp + K2 cdp
24. jovisin - Kandy K2 Integrated Amp + Kandy k2 power Amp + K2 CDP
發表於 2015-12-29 00:09
Hi Chings,
How much is Caspian M2 amp now ? And where could I buy ? Thanks!
發表於 2016-1-9 09:11
Ching, 想請教Roksan K2 int. amp係唔係用唔到叉頭喇叭線?
Thanks a lot!!!!
發表於 2016-1-11 19:22
^S^ 發表於 2015-12-29 00:09 static/image/common/back.gif
Hi Chings,
How much is Caspian M2 amp now ? And where could I buy ? Thanks!
發表於 2016-1-11 19:22
gv16092506 發表於 2016-1-9 09:11 static/image/common/back.gif
Ching, 想請教Roksan K2 int. amp係唔係用唔到叉頭喇叭線?
Thanks a lot!!!!
發表於 2016-1-11 19:29
ANWKLO 發表於 2016-1-11 19:22 static/image/common/back.gif
Anyway, thanks ching!!!
發表於 2016-4-4 22:00
我用了Roksan Kandy K2 CDP,4年多了。
發表於 2016-4-6 00:13
本帖最後由 louis9968 於 2016-5-10 19:52 編輯
Update 下,我部 ka1iii 換咗 k2 amp
1. ANWKLO - Caspian M1 Integrated Amp, M1 Mono blocks, Kandy K2 CDP, Caspian FR-5 Speakers
2. doraemon18 -Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
3. x-bird - Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
4. 米赫洛域- Caspian M2 Integrated Amp
5. gc167 - Kandy K2 Integrated Amp + K2 CDP
6. Yipsum - Caspian M1 Preamp + M1 Stereo Power Amp
7. hayboden - Caspian M2 Integrated Amp + M2 CDP
8. odin1983 - Caspian M2 Integrated Amp
9. kimcity- Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
10. ciboys - Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
11. timehill - Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
12. jerryyau - Caspian M2 Integrated Amp
13. 博洛pang - Caspian M2 Integrated Amp
14. sealteam4 - Kandy L.III Integrated Amplifier + CD player
15. mclaren-Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
16. 黑柴 - Caspian M2 CDP
17. ack_lam - Kandy 3 Channel Power Amplifier
18. fightclub - Caspian M2 CDP + M1 Integrated Amp + M1 Stereo Power Amp (bi-amp)
19. wahth- Caspian M1 Integrated Amp + Kandy CDP
20. wung0317 - Kandy K2 Integrated Amp + K2 CDP
21. bean0903 - Caspian M2 Integrated Amp
22. dennistam - Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
23. louis9968 - K2 int.amp + K2 cdp
24. jovisin - Kandy K2 Integrated Amp + Kandy k2 power Amp + K2 CDP
23. Frenchivory2 k2 cdp