ANWKLO 發表於 2012-4-7 10:04

本帖最後由 ANWKLO 於 2012-4-7 10:05 編輯

回復 140# 博洛pang

何不入埋M2 CDP, 煲好後, 聽清楚, 想改善什麼先決定呢? Post去"HIFI與CAS音響討論區"會多些高人出手幫助{:1_245:} 换什麼書架喇叭?

博洛pang 發表於 2012-4-8 14:45

回復 141# ANWKLO


viccat 發表於 2012-4-10 15:15

I want to buy a 2nd hand Roksan K2 cd-player.
Does any one Ching Hing want to sell me 9309 9594 or PM me.

Many Thanks

ANWKLO 發表於 2012-5-16 21:20


1. ANWKLO - Caspian M1 Monos, Kandy K2 CDP, Caspian FR-5 Speakers
2. doraemon18 -Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
3. x-bird - Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
4. 米赫洛域- Caspian M2 Integrated Amp
5. gc167 - Kandy K2 Integrated Amp + K2 CDP
6. Yipsum - Caspian M1 Integrated Amp
7. hayboden - Caspian M2 Integrated Amp + M2 CDP
8. odin1983 - Caspian M2 Integrated Amp
9. kimcity- Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
10. ciboys - Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
11. timehill - Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
12. jerryyau - Caspian M2 Integrated Amp
13. 博洛pang - Caspian M2 Integrated Amp
14. sealteam4 - Kandy L.III Integrated Amplifier + CD player

mclaren 發表於 2012-5-24 10:19

請教下,小弟剛於昨日試聽完K2Int Amp。現報價$11K,合理嘛?謝謝

ANWKLO 發表於 2012-5-24 13:52

請教下,小弟剛於昨日試聽完K2Int Amp。現報價$11K,合理嘛?謝謝
mclaren 發表於 2012-5-24 10:19

在那裡, 好像是貴了些少.

mclaren 發表於 2012-5-24 16:59

回復 146# ANWKLO

thx ching,已入手K2了剛剛。

ANWKLO 發表於 2012-5-24 18:32


thx ching,已入手K2了剛剛。
mclaren 發表於 2012-5-24 16:59


1. ANWKLO - Caspian M1 Monoblock, Kandy K2 CDP, Caspian FR-5 Speakers
2. doraemon18 -Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
3. x-bird - Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
4. 米赫洛域- Caspian M2 Integrated Amp
5. gc167 - Kandy K2 Integrated Amp + K2 CDP
6. Yipsum - Caspian M1 Integrated Amp
7. hayboden - Caspian M2 Integrated Amp + M2 CDP
8. odin1983 - Caspian M2 Integrated Amp
9. kimcity- Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
10. ciboys - Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
11. timehill - Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
12. jerryyau - Caspian M2 Integrated Amp
13. 博洛pang - Caspian M2 Integrated Amp
14. sealteam4 - Kandy L.III Integrated Amplifier + CD player
15. mclaren-Kandy K2 Integrated Amp

mclaren 發表於 2012-5-24 18:37

回復 148# ANWKLO

updated really fast{:6_193:}

黑柴 發表於 2012-5-26 19:27

1. ANWKLO - Caspian M1 Monoblock, Kandy K2 CDP, Caspian FR-5 Speakers
2. doraemon18 -Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
3. x-bird - Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
4. 米赫洛域- Caspian M2 Integrated Amp
5. gc167 - Kandy K2 Integrated Amp + K2 CDP
6. Yipsum - Caspian M1 Integrated Amp
7. hayboden - Caspian M2 Integrated Amp + M2 CDP
8. odin1983 - Caspian M2 Integrated Amp
9. kimcity- Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
10. ciboys - Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
11. timehill - Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
12. jerryyau - Caspian M2 Integrated Amp
13. 博洛pang - Caspian M2 Integrated Amp
14. sealteam4 - Kandy L.III Integrated Amplifier + CD player
15. mclaren-Kandy K2 Integrated Amp
16.黑柴 - Caspian M2 CDP
頁: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 [15] 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
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