ronaldlaw 發表於 2008-4-14 02:08

[30D] 人像外影

第一次参加某影會人像外影.... 遇到以下問題...
1. 不懂得叫模特兒擺post.
2. 陰天用長鏡只可用盡f/4, 仲要有時推高iso到320...   
3. 手震, 已經係噤失打時hold住啖氣, 都有一部份鬆郁朦.
4.影得太多直倒, 無乜變化.

劣作幾幅, 請指教!

威廉 發表於 2008-4-14 10:08

bad weather dont use long lens la hehe

威廉 發表於 2008-4-14 12:16

last one not very nice la... the angle made the girl's face look a bit fat.. this girl's nam is yumi right?

ronaldlaw 發表於 2008-4-14 12:28

1. bad weather no tele use standard lens instead ?    Yesterday, one of the member hold 85/1.2 and using 1dm2....   but, weird that he is using high speed continous shutter from beginning till end....

2. got new lens 10-22 and try to use it yesterday and want to make model legs longer.
and yes, her name is yumi...   真人 is beautiful than picture.

威廉 發表於 2008-4-14 13:33

原帖由 ronaldlaw 於 2008-4-14 12:28 發表
1. bad weather no tele use standard lens instead ?    Yesterday, one of the member hold 85/1.2 and using 1dm2....   but, weird that he is using high speed continous shutter from beginning ...

1d2.. use higher iso is still acceptable... plus.. its F1.2... shutter will be faster hehee

lkljason 發表於 2008-4-14 20:40


威廉 發表於 2008-4-15 00:32

再睇多次.. last one後面穿塴, 第2張 面唔夠光(係咪冇人打板)

ronaldlaw 發表於 2008-4-15 00:39

原帖由 威廉 於 2008-4-14 13:33 發表
1d2.. use higher iso is still acceptable... plus.. its F1.2... shutter will be faster hehee

其實我系想講佢全程用連環快拍, d model又唔係跑緊步, 點解要連環快拍呢?   (不過d快門聲真係好正)

ronaldlaw 發表於 2008-4-15 00:50

原帖由 威廉 於 2008-4-15 00:32 發表
再睇多次.. last one後面穿塴, 第2張 面唔夠光(係咪冇人打板)

1. last one 後面確係穿崩... 補返呢張好唔好d?
2. 已經有人打板, 奈何嗰日天氣真係勁差.

[ 本帖最後由 ronaldlaw 於 2008-4-15 01:04 編輯 ]

ronaldlaw 發表於 2008-4-15 01:01

1. 用wide鏡拉長model對腳會唔會覺得突兀咗d?
2. 係光暗差別大既環境, 想keep側光, 除咗用燈去直射之外, 仲有無其他方法呢?

[ 本帖最後由 ronaldlaw 於 2008-4-15 01:03 編輯 ]
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