vincent369 發表於 2010-7-23 23:18

but i want the bd to record home video, been waiting for it for years.
Blackdog530 發表於 2010-7-23 17:43

I bought 2nd hand JP version Pan HD TV recorder to handle my home video, as I am not so well in handling pc. It is very convenience by plug in the sd card and press a few buttons, then record to the hard disk or BD/ DVD disc. And share video via disc with my friends and parents. Also, BD-R cost is much lower compared to years ago as it is ~ HKD 12 per disc (Taiwanese brand).....

There is a blu ray recorder (no tuner) offered by HK JVC (HKD 18k) but it is expensive to me. I guess pan would launch a blu ray recorder with TV tuner in 2nd half of this year but the price may be at least 8k.

Blackdog530 發表於 2010-7-24 11:02

If it is really 8k with ok quality, it is not too bad.

why disc but not hd is because i want to be able to play my home video in a player but not a pc. (I don't have a media player, except ps3)

Blackbrid 發表於 2010-7-26 16:42

因為我有好多 home video

DevilElvis 發表於 2010-7-26 17:39

回復 7# Blackdog530
y can't use HDisk to record??

DevilElvis 發表於 2010-7-26 17:41

回復 12# Blackdog530
I think HD TV-box also support u to plug-in the video source and play it on TV

Netmans 發表於 2010-7-27 14:10

因為我有好多 home video
freeport 發表於 2010-7-26 16:42

No one is safty. Hard Disc, Blu Ray Disc & your home video can not read in the future.

Ching, please change you home video to HD first.

hkc311 發表於 2010-7-27 14:22

隨住科技發展, 儲存媒體不斷變化, 相起以前將V8帶轉做DVD碟都轉到死, 唔知幾時又要再轉...唉{:6_187:}

Blackbrid 發表於 2010-7-27 16:15

No one is safty. Hard Disc, Blu Ray Disc & your home video can not read in the future.

Ching, p ...
Netmans 發表於 2010-7-27 14:10

我2008年 7月買咗部Sony HDR-SR12攝錄機,
就喺希望佢會出,將佢存入blu-ray 喥.

wow999 發表於 2010-11-12 19:47

回復 18# freeport


chinghon718 發表於 2010-11-12 21:45

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查看完整版本: 幾時先會有電視Blu-ray錄影機

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