聽d ching 兄講,話舊年會出,出到依傢都未出,究竟幾時先有{:1_260:} 呢家d harddisk咁平, 邊個會用bd錄嘢{:1_348:} 要BD錄影機做乜???
一個HD咪夠囉{:6_136:} Yes, no need to have blu ray recorder as hard disc is OK. If the recorder can record HD signal of cable tv would be good. NO NEED LA~
BLU RAY DISC IS NOT CHEAP THE PRICE. 呢家d harddisk咁平, 邊個會用bd錄嘢
SonSon 發表於 2010-7-23 14:42 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
x2 but i want the bd to record home video, been waiting for it for years. BD-R is too expensive la, cannot popular in now... but i want the bd to record home video, been waiting for it for years.
Blackdog530 發表於 23/7/2010 17:43 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Why you choice bd not external harddisk? 用硬碟比起Blu-ray碟點睇都化算啲啦!{:6_181:}