Plasma vs LCD (LED)
Dear Ching,I want to buy Panasonic TV, TH-P42V20H _Plasma) or TH-L42D25H LCD (LED)
What different between above ?
Mainly for HDTV and Blue Ray Movie (by OPPO 83){:1_343:} 兩個唔同派系的選手, 只係睇下ching 鐘意邊個選手比到你要的感覺就ok啦{:6_193:} fyi Thanks for Ching "vincent369" & "coolpan" 各有長短~~
個人就鐘意Plasma 多D ,因為睇戲比較多 各有長短~~
個人就鐘意Plasma 多D ,因為睇戲比較多
mingming28 發表於 2010-7-14 22:46
Can you tell that merits for each? Ching please refer: finally.
i mean led & lcd ,look very rich colorful ,very bright and save energy a little be , if u watch a short time feel better than plasma, like in shop on demo, but if u stay over 10 mins in the shop ,you'll feel the eye very tired and so bright.
when u watch plasma , you'll feel natural picture ,great black color in contrast and havn't a delay motion in action picture + 5yrs warrant include the i must be choose plasma Plasma 似睇戲多D~
LED 睇戲好似睇緊電視咁... 好怪 Agree x 2: Plasma is better