ILoveUBoyz 發表於 2010-8-10 12:00

睇左半個鐘頭毫不猶疑賣咗,電腦用TotalMedia Capture 3張圍比大家比較吓,本身套片用暖色底我Like,顏色豐富 ...
VIGO-HD 發表於 2010-8-9 18:24

    WOW! VERY骨~~~~~~!!!!!!!!{:6_157:}

mchim3010 發表於 2010-8-10 12:35

回復 60# lunerelf

Ricky24000 發表於 2010-8-10 15:52

其實有無人諗注寄番隻Disc 1去英國換碟架?

glamuro 發表於 2010-8-10 16:27

舊版我買左都未睇呀陰公 ...

arrkwan 發表於 2010-8-21 19:10

其實有無人諗注寄番隻Disc 1去英國換碟架?
Ricky24000 發表於 2010-8-10 15:52


buzz1229 發表於 2010-8-21 19:32

arrkwan 發表於 2010-8-21 19:10


r32 發表於 2010-8-25 09:56

我試過換雷霆救兵, 當時係Amazon主動聯絡我, 要我send 資料連order number去英國發行商, 對方開咗file就寄一個freepost信封嚟. 穩陣起見我照貼郵票, (跟指示)淨入雙碟寄air-mail, 十日就收到全新盒碟.
大家可以考慮send mail俾Amazon CS問吓.

u571 發表於 2010-8-25 11:21

I send email to Amazon UK asking for exchange.They refunded me instead and I accepted their offer.

enter2007 發表於 2010-8-25 21:40

回復 68# u571


Dear Customer

Thank you for writing to with your enquiry.

I understand that you wish to exchange the BLu ray DVD for the remastered version.

Currently we are unable to exchange any of the items that are sold by Amazon.

In this case we request you to contact studio of the "Gladiator" Universal Pictures (UK) Ltd in order to exchange your dvd for the remastered version.

u571 發表於 2010-8-25 23:07

Dear enter2007,

I wonder why Amazon uk treated you differently.I did not press hard in particular.Below is their reply

"Thank you for contacting regarding your recent order #203-7850758-3552345.

Firstly, please accept my sincere apologies for this situation.

Normally, in this situation, I would create a replacement order for the defective item right away, to be dispatched to you as soon as possible at no additional charge.

Unfortunately, at the moment, "Gladiator (Limited Edition Steel Book) " is unavailable from our suppliers and we can’t send a replacement. However, we will be happy to issue a full refund for this order.

I've requested a refund of 18.16GBP to your payment card. This refund should go through within the next few days and will appear as a credit on your next card statement.

When refunding for a damaged or defective item, it is our policy to request that you must return the original item to within 30 days. However, as the cost of returning the package is in this case prohibitively expensive, we ask that you keep the original item with our compliments. Perhaps you would like to donate it to a charity in your area if you feel it would be appropriate to do so.

In addition to a wide selection of items, one of’s aims is to provide a convenient and efficient service; in this case, we have fallen short. Please accept my sincere apologies."
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查看完整版本: <帝國驕雄>GLADIATOR十周年紀念版BD(美/英/法國有得換碟)

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