AET SCR EVO 依家幾錢到?
本帖最後由 radhk 於 2010-8-11 11:20 編輯廠線同diy分別幾錢到?
依家用緊HCR EVO (HR頭尾). 想d聲密求再高d. 唔知 SCR 係咪好選擇? 定有其他建議? Thanks. Ching,
用來插咩?Subwoofer, AV AMP, CDP?? Ching,
用來插咩?Subwoofer, AV AMP, CDP??
gundamfix2005 發表於 2010-7-6 17:14
唔記得講. 插amp. 本帖最後由 gundamfix2005 於 2010-7-6 18:12 編輯
SCR EVO is good choice but the price has a great difference between factory ($4-5K) and DIY (around $3K) cable
Also SIN (Not EVO) is around ($6K)
**The price is 2nd hand** SCR EVO is good choice but the price has a great difference between factory ($4-5K) and DIY (around...
gundamfix2005 發表於 2010-7-6 18:08
Thanks, 聽日出去睇睇diy一條要幾錢先. 本帖最後由 radhk 於 2010-7-8 09:27 編輯
尋日入0左條diy. 一插未完全煲既第一個感覺係比HCR EVO幼細, 淡定d. 無HCR EVO咁"恆", 相對HCR EVO就比較粗聲dd.
唔知條線要煲幾耐? Thanks. 尋日入0左條diy. 一插未完全煲既第一個感覺係比HCR EVO幼細, 淡定d. 無HCR EVO咁"恆", 相對HCR EVO就比較粗 ...
radhk 發表於 2010-7-8 09:20
Where to buy and how much? Ching,
Where to buy and how much?
gundamfix2005 發表於 2010-7-8 10:38
Tim Chi, $550/呎. 條線要煲幾耐?
over 100 hours could be more stable 尋日入0左條diy. 一插未完全煲既第一個感覺係比HCR EVO幼細, 淡定d. 無HCR EVO咁"恆", 相對HCR EVO就比較粗 ...
radhk 發表於 2010-7-8 09:20
師兄.我都想搵條pc插amp,但之前用過hcr evo+aet頭尾插,覺得幾重味.唔知去到scr evo音色會唔會平衡d呢?