師兄.我都想搵條pc插amp,但之前用過hcr evo+aet頭尾插,覺得幾重味.唔知去到scr evo音色會唔會平衡d呢? ...
faihim 發表於 2010-7-9 19:46 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我覺得SCR同HCR既取向大致上唔會差大遠. 只係SCR會再細緻d, musical d, bass control得恰當d, HCR恆得來就一pat pat 咁. 而且, SCR前後音牆闊0左, 每件樂器分隔得好d. 如果HCR味道取向, 你覺得唔夾你套機. 我諗SCR都未必夾你套機. There's a review from a ching in another forum of a upgrade path from HIN to SCR to SIN, very well written and comprehensive, worth looking as a reference.
http://www.av-forums.net/plus/viewthread.php?tid=69578&extra=page%3D1 thanks radhk hing 回復 12# carpediem
Thx! I want to learn about these cords.