Big_McIn 發表於 2011-7-1 02:02

大師兄有事想請教,最近心思思想入 5 channel 後級。計劃緊:Rotal 1575 or Parasound 5 ...
lego_cyris 發表於 2011-7-1 00:30

Rotel 1575 is a Class D amp. I don't like it.

Parasound 5250 doesn't have XLR In but it is about HK $20000-.

A51 costs you HK$30K but it is better,

GX 7 is not good. Better choose RX 7.

lego_cyris 發表於 2011-7-1 02:52

本帖最後由 lego_cyris 於 2011-7-1 02:55 編輯

回復 152# Big_McIn

Thanks for your suggestion. As my AVAMP doesn't have XLR so 5250 will be the best choose for this moment.
But I also thinking about A51 for long term usage for future upgrade with XLR AVAmp such as Onkyo or Denon, Do you think this is a good way to spend much on power-amp?

If my budget is 30k, any other Europe or US brand match with B&W speaker?

Many thanks {:6_162:}

Big_McIn 發表於 2011-7-1 07:48

Thanks for your suggestion. As my AVAMP doesn't have XLR so 5250 will be the best...
lego_cyris 發表於 2011-7-1 02:52

Hi Good Morning!

All depend on how many channels you are going to have.

If you want to have a 5 channel amp only, A51 is in your budget whereas 5250 version 2 fits to your current AV gears.

If you opt for a 7 ch. power amp, Lexicon RX 7 is your choice but you have to pay $10K more to have an US built power plant.

Alternatively, Arcam P 777 is another good choice of a 7 ch. power amp which is close to your budget but Asian built.

chhanthony 發表於 2011-7-1 09:17


Thanks for your suggestion. As my AVAMP doesn't have XLR so 5250 will be the best...
lego_cyris 發表於 2011-7-1 02:52

B&K 都得


lego_cyris 發表於 2011-7-1 13:37

回復 154# Big_McIn

Hi Big_McIn,

Thanks for your help. I think I will go for A51. Lexicon RX 7 is a great product ... but the price .... haha {:6_198:}

(h_h) 發表於 2011-7-25 12:04

未解毒..... 考慮中...

IEASTI 發表於 2011-7-26 17:05


kc275 發表於 2011-7-26 19:55

My dream power amplifier :Mark Levinson No.533{:6_212:}

fm31331 發表於 2011-7-26 20:59


lippito 發表於 2011-7-26 22:33


My dream power amplifier :Mark Levinson No.533{:6_212:}

532 Better,Dual Mono-Block

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