macjuju 發表於 2010-6-1 23:24

如果去到呢個價, 我都想入多隻. 我入 3000 果陣要成千到尾架. :-(

bb1668 發表於 2010-6-1 23:29

I bought my MTV3000 when it was first introduced at HK$2,700.Still thought that it worths every cent.

forumboy 發表於 2010-6-1 23:30

hkbn stb 同 mtv 3100 畫質分別大唔大...
因為我用緊hkbn stb 都覺得好唔錯~
考慮緊轉3100D or 其他..但好似無咩好選擇~

chhanthony 發表於 2010-6-1 23:43

hkbn stb 同 mtv 3100 畫質分別大唔大...
因為我用緊hkbn stb 都覺得好唔錯~
考慮緊轉3100D or 其他..但好 ...
forumboy 發表於 2010-6-1 23:30


move7648 發表於 2010-6-1 23:47

hkbn stb 同 mtv 3100 畫質分別大唔大...
因為我用緊hkbn stb 都覺得好唔錯~
考慮緊轉3100D or 其他..但好 ...
forumboy 發表於 2010-6-1 23:30

同樓主一樣由HKBN STB > MTV3100
但我係合約夠期, 所以要還
首先, 反應真係無得flight
HKBN..... loading.... loading.... londing....
MTV介面亦user friendly, 同女王講兩分鐘, 佢已經識得set timer recording!
畫質... 我之前用HKBN STB, 無任何setting, MTV做到多小小, 女王都收貨

only complaint.... 我1個月前百老攰入手@$!***....{:6_126:}

bb1668 發表於 2010-6-1 23:56

Strongly support for Magic TV.In particular, the interface for recording is super.You will not regret for getting probably the best set top box with a small premium.

daken 發表於 2010-6-2 11:38

MTV3500 剛入手 $2180-

bb1668 發表於 2010-6-2 11:42

By the way, MTV will release a new model which features HDMI inputs (not just outputs).The main advantage of this new feature is that the set-top-box can record Cable TV and Now TV programs.

Redchaser 發表於 2010-6-2 14:00

Ya....Waiting new model for HD soccer recording{:6_235:}

bb1668 發表於 2010-6-2 14:01

But I guess the new model will not be cheap.I estimate that it will be around HK$4,000 at least.
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