pkny 發表於 2010-5-21 03:26

What's the price of a brand new S10II?
cbk 發表於 2010-5-20 07:33

    It has been 12 yrs.I don't remember the price, but it cost more than 83SE.That's for sure.On Denon website, it says 190,000 yen.

pkny 發表於 2010-5-21 03:37

本帖最後由 pkny 於 2010-5-20 11:46 編輯

This is from Nuforce website:

The Nuforce Edition elevates performance yet further by:

•Replacing critical analog components with the high-grade equivalents NuForce uses in its high-end audio components
•Superior high-speed power regulation on both DACs and all analog power rails.Improved power supply regulation also applies to the 7.1 channels
•High-performance parts and related circuits/component values replacing the stereo channels’ monolithic devices.
•Bypass the Stereo and 7.1 channels’ output muting circuits.The SE’s relays are better than the standard BDP-83’s muting transistors. Nevertheless, imposing as little as possible along critical signal paths is clearly preferable.

Also, from thier FAQ section:

Half of the SE board’s real estate is allocated to two-channel stereo; the other half is devoted to the other 8 channels (running off a single 8-channel Sabre32). We have done nothing to change the surround channels' analog circuit. However, since we did improve the power supply’s regulation, the surround channels also benefit from stiffer regulation.

Overall, what they did was swapping/removing some 2ch. and audio power regulator components.For another $400USD, I expect they did more.
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查看完整版本: Any Oppo 83 c-hing upgrade to 83SE?

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