avbadboy 發表於 2010-5-20 09:33

剛收到消息,upgrade kit 已經售罄,而且以後唔會再出!
wil-wil 發表於 2010-5-19 22:29 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

    Really?If this is the case, why they sent e-mail out?

avbadboy 發表於 2010-5-20 15:04

Just clarified.They have stock for those who indicated interest before, i.e. the pre-ordered customer. So, those who received their e-mail should have no problem in getting the up-grade.

ngansir 發表於 2010-5-20 15:22

回復 12# avbadboy

Thanks a lot!{:1_352:}

rictsang 發表於 2010-5-20 16:03

No woo. I have just made an order and made the transfer and the order was confirmed. But don't know whether they will come to do the upgrade or just delivery the kit and wait for the upgrade service.

sunnyt 發表於 2010-5-20 16:16

好彩我個半月前已sent email 落pre-order, 今朝早收到ouku email 教埋我
落單,跟住Paypal 過數....下午1點半再收到ouku email confirmed 收咗我嘅

pkny 發表於 2010-5-20 16:19

本帖最後由 pkny 於 2010-5-20 00:21 編輯

I still have not yet decided whether to spend this extra money because actually I have a separate cdp with integrated amp ...avbadboy 發表於 2010-5-19 04:31 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

I also have a separate cdp and an int-amp.My cdp is a 12 yrs old Denon S10II.Honestly, the 83SE does not win my cdp.The 83SE has a homogeneous presentation with smaller and less deep soundstage.It is also less involved and less musically comparing to S10II.But I still think the upgrade is well worth the price because I cannot find any cable or tweak with the same price that can increase the performance that much.Also, the 83SE plays almost everything while my cdp only plays CD.

cbk 發表於 2010-5-20 23:33

I also have a separate cdp and an int-amp.My cdp is a 12 yrs old Denon S10II.Honestly, the 83 ...
pkny 發表於 2010-5-20 16:19 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

What's the price of a brand new S10II?

cbk 發表於 2010-5-20 23:43

請問 Nuforce 版同se版又有乜分別呢
pinkhung 發表於 2010-5-20 23:40 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

More expensive lor.....

cbk 發表於 2010-5-20 23:46

咁即係 Nuforce 版高过se係咪?
pinkhung 發表於 2010-5-20 23:45 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

The price of Nuforce version is HK$1x,xxx.

kan 發表於 2010-5-21 01:07

唔係....只不過Nuforce版用番Nuforce自行設計嘅供電部份,其他部份都係相同嘅. ...
bigpun1975 發表於 2010-5-21 01:01 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

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