rklpoon 發表於 2010-4-27 19:25

NHT Power5 class D 5 channel amp

Any comment?

rklpoon 發表於 2010-4-29 00:18

Class D amp 200Wx5 @ 8 ohms. Discountinued item. Saw one demo unit at Rxxxx Audio for $9,000 with one year warranty. E-mailed NHT to confirm availability of parts for repair and got positive replies. Any chings or owners care to comment? Is it a good buy?

claero 發表於 2010-4-30 17:38

i 've been thinking of this model before ,its a very good deal since 10000 - 20000 no choice at all . only rotel or parasound a52 within this price range ,may be a little more for sunfire around 24000,i would pick this model for 9000 with no doubt ,class d sound quality may be not as warm as class ab for cd, but i guess its should be very powerful to push most of the speakers,unless your speaker have really harsh sound match with it ,otherwise i guess for movie would be really great .{:6_138:}the dynamic will be stronger than class ab for sure .{:6_122:}

rklpoon 發表於 2010-4-30 19:43

本帖最後由 rklpoon 於 2010-4-30 19:45 編輯

Finally bought it at $8,800 ($200 cash discount) yesterday. On testing before buying I heard that there was a small hizz sound coming from the speakers when playing no sound. On struggling and finally contacted AVMan of HDAV he said this is usual for "foreign" brand amp.He actually told me that HDAV has a Power5 in its studio and have the same hizz sound. He solved this problem by using a "travel" electric two-leg plug by-passing the ground connection.

On hooking to my Yamaha 1400 amp and Klipsch speakers (RF-15,RC-52, RS-42 and a pair of Celestion Little one as surround back) I have the following initial impression:-

1) I previously listen at 22-24 on the volume scale of Y1400, but I found I have to crank up to 19 to obtain similar sound pressure/level.
2) The surround sound stage seemed to be more prominent than before(more power & Y1400 driving only the surround back speakers now?)
3) I pulled out the sound pressure meter and tried to level the channels volume. Weird thing is that I have to trim up all the channels to obtain a 75db sound level. Does this have to do with the output sensitivity of Y1400 (Don't have the input sensitivity of Power5 in the manual)?

claero 發表於 2010-5-1 01:33

本帖最後由 claero 於 2010-5-1 01:34 編輯

1) I previously listen at 22-24 on the volume scale of Y1400, but I found I have to crank up to 19 to obtain similar sound pressure/level.

this is a ususal problem for yamaha since yamaha av amp output was not very enough for the full working for the nht power amp ,thats why u need to turn higher , just setup each channel first ,then all the channel add 5 db so that the output more and let the nht in full working mode , theres no problem if u need more volume ,i mean signal . i guess u will be really happy using this monster to push klipsch ! enjoy !

2) The surround sound stage seemed to be more prominent than before(more power & Y1400 driving only the surround back speakers now?)

thats a good sign , your surround will have better dynamic now .

3) I pulled out the sound pressure meter and tried to level the channels volume. Weird thing is that I have to trim up all the channels to obtain a 75db sound level. Does this have to do with the output sensitivity of Y1400 (Don't have the input sensitivity of Power5 in the manual)?

yes , just turn each channel db higher ,but becareful when too high if the pre amp can't afford will have harsh sound .

rklpoon 發表於 2010-5-1 19:51

本帖最後由 rklpoon 於 2010-5-1 19:53 編輯


Thank you for your comment/input.

I replaced the cheap RCA cables connecting the Y1400 & NHT P5 with Canare with improvements. I think that it depends on disc recording level that determines how much volume you need with your gears. For example, playing "Kung Fu Hustle" & "Flash Point" at volume scale 22 is quite lound in my set-up whereas playing " Frost Nixon" (may be not action type) at 19 is required.

One problem is that due to power outlet shortage, I have to use a "universal plug/spitter" (one-three type) and plug in the NHT P5 and my Spectral DMA-80 power amp for music. The two amps would not be turned on at the same time and I hope there is no degraduation of sound quality therefrom. Is there any high grade one to three spitter on the market?

I plan to upgrade my old Y1400 to the Emotiva UMC-1 (only HK$6K including freight). I am actually on the 2nd pre-roder list and the UMC-1 is available for shipping to me but I told Emotiva to wait until the bugs associated with it is all cleared with a firmware upgrade.Will need a 2 channel amp to drive my surround back speakers by then.Now I think I'll get a Emotiva UPA-2 (US$299 excluding freight, 30lbs net, 125 watt @ 8 ohms) and another pair of Klipsch RS-42 to complete my system upgrade. Would there be a mismatch using a class AB amp (UPA-2) to drive the surround back speaksers givent the P5 is class D?

rklpoon 發表於 2010-5-2 01:29

1)One problem is that due to power outlet shortage, I have to use a "universal plug/spitter" (one-three type) and plug in the NHT P5 and my Spectral DMA-80 power amp for music. The two amps would not be turned on at the same time and I hope there is no degraduation of sound quality therefrom. Is there any high grade one to three spitter on the market?
2)Now I think I'll get a Emotiva UPA-2 (US$299 excluding freight, 30lbs net, 125 watt @ 8 ohms) and another pair of Klipsch RS-42 to complete my system upgrade. Would there be a mismatch using a class AB amp (UPA-2) to drive the surround back speaksers givent the P5 is class D?
Any comments pls?

claero 發表於 2010-5-4 17:55

本帖最後由 claero 於 2010-5-4 17:57 編輯

cables will be the last thing to play with it , u should get used to the sound of the new amp and warm up as well , after that u should see what else and which charactor u want wan tfrom oyur system so that u buy the cable match with it .

yes ,i guess you can find some higher grade spitter in ssp , i would choose not to used any of this if u can ,i never try the emotiva equiment but the price was really great , and class d match with class ab won't have problem at all , i don't think you can hear it if u used for surround back .

so hows the perfomance using p5 with klipsch , i guess it would be very powerful and strong dynamic ???{:5_87:}

rklpoon 發表於 2010-5-5 22:35

so hows the perfomance using p5 with klipsch , i guess it would be very powerful and strong dynamic ???

Yes, it is very powerful and dynamic.

I am actually watching my collection of BR lately. The "MGM' lion roars fiercely; in the Die Hard 4 "tunnel chasing" scene, I acutally can tell the lights that are shutting down are of different "depth location". The dialougue are clearer, chanel separation of the L+C+R is better, and the surround sound effect are more prominent.I cranked up the volume and the peak hits 90db and yet the P5 does not even get warm. Some Avs forum members even rated the P5 better than the Parasound A52.

claero 發表於 2010-5-9 01:46

so hows the perfomance using p5 with klipsch , i guess it would be very powerful and strong dynamic...
rklpoon 發表於 2010-5-5 22:35 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

thats great ...how about cd sound quality ?
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