Updated 草根小天地
本帖最後由 htctyo 於 2010-11-28 09:59 編輯Living room .
For AV
TV: Panasonic P54-Z10 Slim Plasma
AVM:Onkyo SR-906
BDP:Sony- S765
CDP: Marantz CD-17MKiii
FRT SPK: JMLAB 806 sig / C: 800CC, SurrSPK: Mirage Omin V2 , Sub: Vely. SPL-1000ultra
HTPC: Intel Quard core with SSD / Full Aluminium case
MediaPayer: DUNE HD BASIE Media Player
For 2ch
AMP: TaMarlcernPre + Power
MUSIC SERVER : Logitach Touch
CD: Naim CD5x
Karaoke Mixer : 3G Audio Digital DSP Mixer
Wireless Mic: Sony Ultra InfraRed Mic
Cable : QED , Taralab, Audioquest , Furutech, Straight Wire
For My Game Room :
FR : PMC DB1+ C: Mordaunt ShortSurr. Celestion lite 1
Subwooofer : Velyo Mirco Vee
Amp: Marantx SR5003 / with DTSHD
TV: Sony 40X350
Game Station: Xbox360 , with Kinect / Xbox/PS1/PS2/ PS3/ Wii /Dreamcast/Saturn/ SuperNintendo,/ MegaDriveCD rom/ PC Engine/3DO (some keep in store room)
HTPC : Shuttle XPC / Intel Quard Core 本帖最後由 wil-wil 於 2008-12-31 12:52 編輯
Wooo ... not the cheap setting la, 2 sets ah!
Really wonderful ... but your r/c car must be more attractive pic as the other, HAAA!
Anways, all is great & suprise to me.
I also want to buy Vely. SPL-800R sub!Good performance & easy setup for the eq?
How much is it?I want to buy 10" game房都咁正羡慕死人咩{:1_328:} 嘩...又有 AV 廳, 仲有埋個 GAME房仲叫 CHEAP.......好在我出相出得早, 如果唔係都冇咩形容詞可以形容到我套野呢!!!!
JM喇叭正啦~~~~ 原來你都有玩mini-z ga.........我都有部awd~~ 嘩!HTCTYO,咁都叫做cheap 呀!{:1_260:}咁我個套?唔敢放相上來喇 !{:1_332:} 對806聽歌會唔會仲好過對DB1? 擺位好整齊望落好舒服!{:1_351:}
未開機淨係坐吓睇吓都感覺良好呀!{:1_245:} I think thatsound of DB1 is more natural that 806, I compare as before. 806 seems add some HiFi sound inside. May be someone like it. But I like DB1 more natural. 好強大!{:6_138:}