將快新屋裝修完入伙,想買部新電視,唸住電視多數玩到三、五、七年,知到8k一定好過4k,所以想直接入手8k,但8k好像太貴,問大家有什麼建議? 8k最細有什麼選擇? 還是買4k穩陣? 想買幾多吋, 有多少筆直? 想55或65,未有具體預算,估計三、四萬都得如果依家換8k, 我會買QN800B, 兩皮都唔駛堅抵😉 本帖最後由 jamesbond 於 2023-6-23 09:26 編輯
8K用55或65寸同4K唔會有分別,想睇到分別起碼80寸以上 本帖最後由 lulled 於 2023-6-23 10:35 編輯
咁細尺寸 , 買 8k 冇意思 , 分別唔會好大 , 除非你好近距離兩三尺睇 , 不如留返啲錢買其他嘢仲好 本帖最後由 luckyperson 於 2023-6-23 15:58 編輯
我說HDR年代:顯視器只有兩種:high-nit (超過700 nit, 100% window=full screen) 及非high-nit。
幾年前Samsung戶外電視已到達1,800 nits, 100% window。專業顯示器也有超過2,000 nits, 100% window。Dolby公司內部用各類顯示器遠超4,000 nits, 100% window。
我早年買的 Sony 8K TV 超過2,000 nits, 10% window;大約700 nits, 100% window。現在的 mini-LED TV 應不難達到更高nit。
當然定有人認為顯示器 high nit 不是最重要。我就認為能看3D比4K HDR更重要,所以我也有投影機(只有大約100 nits) 。 8k 現時只係up scale, 唔知幾時會有8K contents, 又有唔知用乜嘢format, 絕對唔穩陣, 不過買咗8k啲師兄話係sharp d, 樓主自己行量 一般嘅電視,一日開16個鐘操作,可以頂得一般三年保固期已經係極限啦! 本帖最後由 MingSir 於 2023-6-24 04:46 編輯
喺香港,都無真正嘅8K source,budget 許可,買定無壞,但相信嚟緊幾年都未必能普及,所以, really not a must !
Despite some technology statement broadcasts from the 2020 Tokyo Olympics — and some 8K experiments in the UK with rugby — there's virtually no professionally shot 8K content available to show off the overachieving pixels.
8K streaming isn't coming anytime soon in any meaningful capacity, and what's more is that this is actually good news. The costs are high, the benefits are slight, and so few people could even take proper advantage of 8K streaming that it just doesn't make a lot of sense, now or in the near future.......(By Ruben Circelli published February 06, 2023)
8K streaming isn't coming anytime soon