MingSir 發表於 2010-4-11 01:16

本帖最後由 MingSir 於 2010-4-11 01:19 編輯

我個廳同你都係差不多大小~2XX呎,我就用早幾代嘅SPL-1000, 都OK,夠用,當然如果"筆"鬆動就梗係買大少少啦,或者買DD-10/12 就更理想(當年係HGS10/12)!

扑鎚前有諗MK(V150?),好有能量感,但實在太大, 又有同Sunfire Junior 比較過, Sunfire 都潛得幾深,但相對Velodyne有小小"肥", 不過最大問題係Sunfire嘅Sub(指當年這個model)嘅能量同重量完全匹配唔到, Sunfire Junior 會周圍走{:6_159:},會行路嘅Sub當然唔考慮喇{:6_170:}, 所以在顧及價錢同尺吋下,就揀左瞬變反應快,超底收得乾淨同爽,下潛能力亦不俗嘅Velodyne 啦{:6_139:}! 一直用到現在都好滿意!!

claero 發表於 2010-4-11 01:21

velodyna more balance in hiigh mid and low bass ,easier to play and match .

pam_jack 發表於 2010-4-11 01:26

唔該晒 MingSir!!
2XX呎 ... SPL-1000, 都OK,夠用 {:1_331:} 咁樣會嚇屎我個喎 ...{:1_332:}
但我係配衛星仔...有師兄提過...隻十仔唔好太 powerful...否則顯得我 d 衛星仔冇力...唔知你點睇?

亦有師兄俾過意見我...都有話過 SPL 係快同爽過 太陽火...但我唔知點為之快放快收...
新仔唔明何謂"肥"? 唔該晒 {:6_162:}

avlam 發表於 2010-4-11 01:28

velodyna more balance in hiigh mid and low bass ,easier to play and match .
claero 發表於 2010-4-11 01:21 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
agree V記用嚟聽演唱會都唔錯嫁!

pam_jack 發表於 2010-4-11 01:35

velodyna more balance in hiigh mid and low bass ,easier to play and match .
claero 發表於 11-4-2010 01:21 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

Thx Chaero hing,
我想知道我應該點樣去分辨一隻十仔好唔好呢? 通常應該試 d 咩碟最能分辨到? 用 d 咩標準去聽呢?

angusluk 發表於 2010-4-11 01:36

我上個月買左SPL 800I 睇戲同CONCERT都表現唔錯{:1_351:}

pam_jack 發表於 2010-4-11 01:41

我上個月買左SPL 800I 睇戲同CONCERT都表現唔錯
angusluk 發表於 11-4-2010 01:36 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

angusluk hing, SPL-800I 唔係停產咗咩? 請問你咩價位入...邊樹買? Thx

avlam 發表於 2010-4-11 01:41


pam_jack 發表於 2010-4-11 01:42

avlam 發表於 11-4-2010 01:41 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

哈哈! 我都知...唔 up 十仔 up 其他唔屎?! {:6_138:}

claero 發表於 2010-4-11 02:59

Thx Chaero hing,
我想知道我應該點樣去分辨一隻十仔好唔好呢? 通常應該試 d 咩碟最能分辨到? 用 d 咩標 ...
pam_jack 發表於 2010-4-11 01:35 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

there 's no such thing the best ......every band have different charactor ,different goods and bad as well , the problem was how u are going to match and how you want your system sound . velodyne was well balanced ,a lot easier to match ,for example svs was only good at low bass so the mid bass will be weak and slow , but if your front speaker can go mid low well , then svs would be the best match .{:1_253:}
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查看完整版本: 新手問十仔 ~ Velodyne or Sunfire ~

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