KING 發表於 2010-4-7 20:37

Thx King hing 意見...但你個 icon 好似想吹眠我咁喎...
pam_jack 發表於 2010-4-7 20:23

pam_jack 發表於 2010-4-7 21:05

KING 發表於 7-4-2010 20:37


KING 發表於 2010-4-7 21:09

pam_jack 發表於 2010-4-7 21:05

miipp 發表於 2010-4-7 23:03

Darren14 hing,
咁唔知 sunfire hrs-12 同 velodyne spl-1000 ultra 比. ...
pam_jack 發表於 2010-4-7 19:36

spl-1000 ultra 去代理度聽過, 效果麻麻地, 聽落感覺有點"立"

darren14 發表於 2010-4-7 23:46

本帖最後由 darren14 於 2010-4-8 00:38 編輯

Darren14 hing,
咁唔知 sunfire hrs-12 同 velodyne spl-1000 ultra 比. ...
pam_jack 發表於 2010-4-7 19:36

取向有少少唔同, 真係好睇你自己口味, 不過ULTRA1000 會比HRS-12埋身些少, 我去花園大廈4/F 試十面埋伏, 我俾佢掃褲腳佢VOL DISPLAY 50, 威達試過一次龍虎門, 丹爺張檯車埋黎好埋身佢開48,同日試埋TRANSFORMERS 2一樣可以做到SUNFIRE 既效果, D低頻充滿晒成個空間, 好平均咁俾你~ 不過ULTRA1000 我就未試聽過CONCERT, 所以唔咁講佢呢PART 同SUNFIRE 比
我自己用HRS10 CONCERT 就好滿意, 雖然D人成日話SUNFIRE 唔係打心口, 其實我自己試過OFF 十仔, 之後成前中置FULL BRAND, 一樣係打心口, 所以打唔打心口, 唔係只係十仔俾, 前中置CROSSOVER 同力水都有關~

pam_jack 發表於 2010-4-8 00:36

取向有少少唔同, 真係好睇你自己口味, 不過ULTRA1000 會比HRS-12埋身些少, 我去花園大廈4/F 試十面埋伏, ...
darren14 發表於 7-4-2010 23:46

多謝 Darren14 hing 咁詳盡嘅參考資料…

darren14 發表於 2010-4-8 00:40

回復 27# pam_jack

客氣啦~ 希望你快D買到你覺得正既十仔玩~ 早買早享受~ {:6_143:}
最緊要唔好怕煩~ 試多幾間~ 信自己耳仔~收貨 ~

sk555 發表於 2010-4-8 00:46


係因為中高音係直線...而低音需要整體空間產生共鳴效果? ...
pam_jack 發表於 2010-4-7 20:12

    check this out :
go to the site and fill in the cubic feet for checking what size of woofer suit you.


Which Velodyne is the right subwoofer for me?
A subwoofer's ability to offer good low frequency extension with ample output for the room (good impact), yet still offer very good definition (low distortion) can make or break a home theater and music system. Choosing the proper subwoofer for your individual room size is critical to creating a truly enjoyable home theater and music experience. Though there are individual considerations, we'll help take the guesswork out of selecting the ideal subwoofer for your room. Just follow the steps below.

Step 1 - Determine the total volume of your listening space
When determining the cubic feet (width x length x height) of your room please note we are concerned about the entire room not just the listening or viewing area. If a listening room is "open" to a kitchen, for example, the kitchen's volume must also be considered. Higher ceilings and cathedral ceilings are a critical factor in determining the room's total volume.

Step 2 - Consider Lifestyle, Listening Tastes and Expectations
Both your system's requirements and your personal tastes and expectations must also be taken into consideration. Lower distortion (higher definition and clarity) and better extension (plays lower) improve considerably as the price increases. Select the best you can afford, as every dollar invested in a lower distortion subwoofer will yield a greater improvement in sound than spending your dollars elsewhere. This is especially true if you will be listening to music on your system. An excellent subwoofer is a smart way to make even a modest system excel.

Note #1:
Keep in mind that larger units have the advantage in both output and low frequency extension, going deeper and playing louder. If smaller size is important, two smaller subwoofers will produce the output of the next larger size and can be easier to conceal. Remember that Digital Drive and Optimum subwoofers, and the magic of their technology, offer smaller subwoofer enclosures that have everything (low distortion, good low frequency extension, high output, and in the case of the Digital Drive subs, Digital Room Equalization).

Note #2:
While all Velodyne models can be placed in cabinetry or custom installed, DD-10, 12, 15 and 18, Optimum-8, 10 and 12, SPL-1500R, DLS-3500R, 3750R, 4000R, and 5000R are better suited for built-in applications. The SC Series SC-10, 12 and 15 are specifically designed to be built in and ideal for these built-in applications.

Step 3 - Determine the total volume of your listening space

When determining the cubic feet (width x length x height) of your room please note we are concerned about the entire room not just the listening or viewing area. If a listening room is "open" to a kitchen, for example, the kitchen's volume must also be considered. Higher ceilings and cathedral ceilings are a critical factor in determining the room's total volume.

Cubic Feet:Choose Cubic Feet 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 9000 9500 *


Select from the four options (For rooms with a larger volume than 3500 cu. ft., please use option #3)

#1) I plan to have it built-in (to a cabinet, the floor, the ceiling or my wall)
#2) My lifestyle requires a very small sub (a 14.5" cube or smaller).
#3) The size of the subwoofer cabinet (the dimensions of the box) is not a key concern.
#4) I'm considering using a pair of subwoofers. (This will fill larger rooms with dynamic bass and produce a more even distribution of the bass throughout the room.)

maner394 發表於 2010-4-8 00:51

取向有少少唔同, 真係好睇你自己口味, 不過ULTRA1000 會比HRS-12埋身些少, 我去花園大廈4/F 試十面埋伏, ...
darren14 發表於 2010-4-7 23:46

    絕對同意.....Sunfire 惡起上嚟都可以打心口.....

avmilk 發表於 2010-4-8 00:51

check this out :
go to the site and fill in the cubic feet for checking what size of woofer...
sk555 發表於 2010-4-8 00:46

    吾使睇都知DD series最好...{:6_174:}
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查看完整版本: 新手問十仔 ~ Velodyne or Sunfire ~

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