djaddy 發表於 2010-4-5 00:27


quad22L 咁厚聲, 用銀線收效果仲好
DDL 有快聲線, 中性 和慢聲線俾人揀 ...
lofiman99 發表於 2010-4-4 11:17

Quad spkrs' nature is thick, slow and emotional. You are correct in picking a 快聲 sc to balance out the slow nature, especially for action movies. You are also correct in saying that silver is 快聲 by nature. However, 標聲 is caused by impurities in the silver conductors within the cables. Also, the down side when using silver sc can sound quite cold, which really defeats Quad spkr's true strength.

I encourage you to do more ab tests to maximize the full potential of your great gear.

My 2 cents.

ki45 發表於 2010-4-5 00:34

我都係用緊邱生既線, 而我從來都無係度講過我用佢D野.{:6_179:}
不過我用MA RS1 , 唔夠bass同埋本身MA高音有少少高, 所以用左佢既銅喇叭線, 高音之後再加銀PC都唔標。
而且低音出番多D, 而家夾得比之前啱聽, 我遲D都係會post下相,{:6_136:}
我都係用呢個拖板, AMP條銀PC同你一樣, 都係美式英相.


lofiman99 發表於 2010-4-5 02:17

avlam 發表於 2010-4-5 12:09

師兄, 如果你唔係高音標的問題, 反而要處理低音問題., 好多時都係環境問題和22L2低音太勁呀
低音量大都要ch ...
lofiman99 發表於 2010-4-5 02:17


3721 發表於 2010-4-22 00:03

Ching,你個架既SIZE應該同我個差唔多,不過我唔可用類似你呢種架,因為我個架內要放十仔,一萬蚊CD PLAYER,我諗嬴05 唔會好多,唔會滿足你好耐,不如草吓錢先,遲d諗 DAC & TRANSPOT好過.

lkwah123 發表於 2010-4-22 00:53

睇到啦               {:6_193:}

matt 發表於 2010-4-22 00:59

agreed that purity of material is key.some high grade copper cablecan have very noble high frequency as silver also have copper nature such as body(mid range) and bass.
poor silver cable can only have HF but no mid range and bass.
poor copper cable can only have fatty bass and misty mid range

therefore there is no right and wrong, just match your system and your ears.
agree to do more ab testing and listen more to wider the listening experience.

happy listening
just my 2cents.

avlam 發表於 2010-4-22 01:16

回復 38# 3721

fungl 發表於 2010-4-24 10:09


cfsdms 發表於 2010-5-17 08:15

wow~ 好正
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