今日用隻burn-in cd煲左4個鐘之後熄機,半個鐘之後開機冇曬聲{:6_121:} ,過多3個鐘之後再開機,部機不等"達達"聲,宜家好鬼驚...請問點算{:6_140:} off power 去訓覺明早再開試吓得唔得!{:6_188:} 唉{:6_137:}希望有奇蹟出現 所以話呢 唔好係咪都煲 遲早煲死d機 唉希望有奇蹟出現garyso 發表於 2010-3-22 00:15 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
唔駛咁擔心唔得既咪law去維修,如果過左保養咪買過部新野Update!{:6_190:} 今日用隻burn-in cd㷛左4個鐘之後熄機,半個鐘之後開機冇曬聲 ,過多3個鐘之後再開機,部機不等" ...
garyso 發表於 2010-3-22 00:06
garyso 兄 , 借問聲你用邊隻煲機碟 ??? 應該唔關幾多個鐘時,而係音量問題多d!{:6_188:}
你可能開多太大聲!{:6_188:} 請問各位有冇相熟c父? 本帖最後由 Big_McIn 於 2010-3-22 11:49 編輯
今日用隻burn-in cd煲左4個鐘之後熄機,半個鐘之後開機冇曬聲 ,過多3個鐘之後再開機,部機不等" ...
garyso 發表於 2010-3-22 00:06 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
(一)有無burnt味先,如果有就換機哩 {:6_170:} 如果無就
(二)有啲機有overload protection,5 -10分鐘就正常,都唔着
(三)check check電源Fuse 或輸出Fuse或打開機殼check all fuse,有燒就攞manual嚟睇睇,跟正specification配。{:6_142:}
Don't worry. (一)有無burnt味先,如果有就換機哩如果無就
(二)有啲機有overload protection,5 -10分鐘就 ...
Big_McIn 發表於 2010-3-22 09:11 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
I agree that c-hing should do a simple check first. Check the power connection, make sure there's power to the amp (all the fuse(s) are okay, all the power cords are connected firmly). Second, check the signal-in cable connections (CDP -> amp). Third, check the signal out connection (amp -> spks). Forth, if all the above are ok but there's still no signal, then try other inputs in amp (e.g. you are using line-in 1 for CDP, then try other line-in, say the tuner input). Fifth, if you have another set of speaker, try connects them to the amp, this could help test if the amp works or not. Sixth, do the same as the fifth but with another amp.
If unfortunately all the above shows that the amp has problem, then call the warranty service.