bjc hdmi cable的用後感...
小弟想轉下BJC HDMI cable玩下試下開心下...search左一輪... 個個ching都話BJC HDMI CABLE抵買...c/p值高...
經百事超人提一提...真係想睇問下各位用緊BJC HDMI的師兄....
{:6_229:} Read the following forum n ask your question there n you will get the answer you are looking for. Read the following forum n ask your question there n you will get the answer you are looking for.
ac388 發表於 2010-3-18 10:50
need to close post76 forum and redirect to a english forum forever?
is there anybody asking question at Park'N and get a answer is "Please go to ask Wellcome and they will answer you" Don't get too political.
Just try to help out the above member since there are more BJC end users at that forum.
However, I did not know 'post76 n avsforum' compete like 'Park'N shop n Wellcome'. Please show me where the competition are. Thanks. 本帖最後由 阿定 於 2010-3-18 12:03 編輯
Don't get too political.
Just try to help out the above member since there are more BJC end users...
ac388 發表於 2010-3-18 11:53
Yes, avsforum BJC End User is more than post76, XXforum is more xx End User than Post76, Post76 is useless?
好希望你明白,人地係post76 forum問野,你叫人地去另一個forum睇,係嚴重羞辱緊post76的會員同版主,我地post76的會員質素比另一個論壇低嗎? Rather than arguing, why don't you try to give some advise to the above member.
WOW !! Maybe you have a rough day at work. 相嗌唔好口, 我講下用後感算了。BJC入手幾天, 覺得畫面質素唔錯, 夠光有立體感, 聲方面未能認真試, 呢兩日會試清楚少少, 但岩岩訂左條SUPRA到左, 要睇下有冇時間。 本帖最後由 阿定 於 2010-3-18 12:34 編輯
BJC HDMI CABLE 要留意的地方係佢超粗,要睇番自己環境有無需要轉彎!
一般HDMI線過左5米,因為Data Lose的問題,太長的HDMI線跟本好難分到高下,只會分到用到同用唔到!
而燒焊位接觸不良我無咩意見,一千條有一條係咁?還是一百條有一條係咁?無人知,但so far 以 post76 有出帖的計,比例上唔算多,當然你仍可認為一條都不能錯而認定佢QC差或做工唔好!
自己用緊 BJC,主要係比 MagicTV 同 XBOX360 打機用,畫面同d 百幾的SONY線或所謂有認證的線來比,係有進步,當然BJC亦唔係賣緊百幾銀,所以有進步係好應該的,如果同差唔多價的SUPRA/QED比,SUPRA/QED 貴過佢但畫面無佢咁好,但聲音方面,同級的SUPRA同QED反而會比佢好,Details得多,所以個人推薦上電線果條用BJC吧,去AMP就可以考慮其它品牌! 相嗌唔好口, 我講下用後感算了。BJC入手幾天, 覺得畫面質素唔錯, 夠光有立體感, 聲方面未能認真試, 呢兩日 ...
PP-HK 發表於 2010-3-18 12:26
ching...SUPRA幾錢入手呀?? 睇下有冇over budget都好...{:6_188:}
咁就等下ching的報告!! 重點係你並唔係比一個討論緊BJC的thread給樓主,而係比一個forum比樓主,同比一個google.com佢來比較,你只 ...
阿定 發表於 2010-3-18 12:28
聽完元老咁講... 都係買住兩條黎試下先...
一條可以由amp去tv...另一條就stb 去tv...
到時又可以試下ps3去amp 有乜分別... 真係一個唔錯的建議...
唔該晒元老大大 {:5_89:}