陳永仁 發表於 2021-7-8 02:53

Whatever Disney touches gets tainted. No wonder why there’s no creative freedom in anything produced by Disney. It’s dreadful to witness it engulfing everything and turning all movies into the same politically correct garbage. Disney is the enemy of anyone who genuinely loves movies.

pbtour4il 發表於 2021-7-8 13:11

陳永仁 發表於 2021-7-9 09:57

pbtour4il 發表於 2021-7-8 13:11

包唔包括FOX 片?

:o) 發表於 2021-7-9 22:46

本帖最後由 :o) 於 2021-7-9 22:51 編輯


Will 發表於 2021-7-10 02:12

200蚊5隻BD, 相信大量係迪迪尼單碟3D嘅死貨,Pixar短片BD,舊陳皮卡通BD

mmddss 發表於 2021-7-10 08:49


陳永仁 發表於 2021-7-10 09:45

mmddss 發表於 2021-7-10 08:49

Whatever’s happening in Hong Kong and Asia is only the beginning, I am afraid it will soon spread to North America, Europe and Oceania in a matter of time. Disney wants to own all your money but doesn’t want you to own anything.

陳永仁 發表於 2021-7-10 09:47

Will 發表於 2021-7-10 02:12
200蚊5隻BD, 相信大量係迪迪尼單碟3D嘅死貨,Pixar短片BD,舊陳皮卡通BD
阿拉丁/美女與野獸(真人版),Toy ...

I shall only go for Toy Story 1-3
And the non politically correct animated movies. Hopefully there will be some leftover Fox movies

陳永仁 發表於 2021-7-10 09:52

:o) 發表於 2021-7-9 22:46

As much as I hate to say it
I’d seen this coming once the streaming services got into the market
Which’s why I always insist on owning all the movies in physical format, all those I deem historically important. That’s the only way Disney can’t snatch anything from me and what I watch doesn’t get censored

teddy 發表於 2021-7-11 07:51

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