Think 發表於 2010-3-9 02:17

NC is good, but it is very difficult to clean.

阿定 發表於 2010-3-9 08:53


P.S.: 唔通要我換鏡!{:1_352:}

ahnel 發表於 2010-3-9 09:47

師兄你打真軍梗係爽啦.我支支都有用filter, Kenko & B/W 等.
Type-R 發表於 2010-3-8 23:34


ronaldlaw 發表於 2010-3-9 10:40

I used kenko, hoya, nikon, sigma and b+w.
Kenko the worst.... remember when I attend my friend wedding and drop my camara bag accidentally from chair to floor and the filter broke.... Lucky that it didn't hurt the lens.    and I feel that the coating on kenko filter is not that good too....
the brand new nikon and b+w are cystral clear and you are even cannot see there have glass into the circle.   i like them.

名偵探柯南 發表於 2010-3-10 02:19

我都係支1740L先加filter(用B+W), 支定焦50.4冇用filter.

jackiewong518 發表於 2010-3-10 10:46

通常我都係用 kenko Pro-1D 既 uv filter

radhk 發表於 2010-3-11 05:35

我有用filter, hoya, kenko, nikon NC.

有d場合就一定要用. 好似去沙灘, 有d場合就一定要除 e.g. 影夜景.
頁: 1 2 3 [4]
查看完整版本: 大家會唔會加個平平地普通 UV Filter 當作鏡頭保護?

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