朴世路 發表於 2020-6-18 12:54

NETDSL0100 發表於 2020-6-18 13:17

mingcheung 發表於 2020-6-18 00:09
我個人覺得Anthem 啲售後服務真係唔錯,都跟得好貼,唔係求其果隻


tonyl626 發表於 2020-6-18 15:40


mingcheung 發表於 2020-6-19 01:53

NETDSL0100 發表於 2020-6-18 13:17

ching 其實可以親身去感受下,我覺得唔好淨睇數字{:1_351:}

patrickcw 發表於 2020-6-19 11:53

曾經向日本總公司投訴, 日本果邊都唔知係咪明知實情找籍口開脫還是被香港代理暪騙
"Thank you for your contacting with Marantz.

I’m Naruki Matsui as Marantz Asia Pacific(APAC) Customer Support Manager.

At first, I apologize for my lately reply. APAC include Japan team had holidays at last week.
Please accept them.

I have confirmed your situation to Hong Kong(HK) team.

-HK team received your unit as repair at 6th Aug.
-Unfortunately, HK Team does not have a stock of required spare parts for your unit accidentally.
-In this case, HK team order to import it to Japan Service Parts Operation team.
-As I informed you, Japan team had the summer holidays at that time
- Current HK transportation is not normal now, especially import case as you know.
-Therefore, HK team service engineer informed you about one month as the worst case of lead time for repair, from his experience.

From my point of view, it was happened by some bad timing and bad luck situation.
In normal case, HK team can complete to repair within 2-3 weeks.
Sorry again."

孤身走我路 發表於 2020-6-19 14:15


digiman 發表於 2020-6-19 17:06

本帖最後由 digiman 於 2020-6-19 17:26 編輯

patrickcw 發表於 2020-6-19 11:53
曾經向日本總公司投訴, 日本果邊都唔知係咪明知實情找籍口開脫還是被香港代理暪騙
"Thank you for your con ...

their manager from Japan told consumers in a very straightforward way that we can only depend on LUCK by choosing their products !TRY YOUR LUCK !

孤身走我路 發表於 2020-6-19 18:34

本帖最後由 孤身走我路 於 2020-6-19 18:36 編輯

digiman 發表於 2020-6-19 17:06
their manager from Japan told consumers in a very straightforward way that we can only depend on L ...



cakecake 發表於 2020-6-19 18:39

patrickcw 發表於 2020-6-19 11:53
曾經向日本總公司投訴, 日本果邊都唔知係咪明知實情找籍口開脫還是被香港代理暪騙
"Thank you for your con ...

"From my point of view, it was happened by some bad timing and bad luck situation."


孤身走我路 發表於 2020-6-19 18:40

朴世路 發表於 2020-6-18 12:54
無上幾日 , 原來都有咁多用家中招 ........

如果Pioneer唔攪攪佢, 真係比幾錢廣告費都無用 , 一樣係趕客 ...

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查看完整版本: 唔鬧唔得Pioneer售後服務

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