matt 發表於 2010-2-27 11:52

spent my 10years saving

本帖最後由 matt 於 2012-5-2 23:55 編輯

for upgrade whole system.
back from 15years ago, i was using MF A100 with Denon DCD-2560 to push Tannoy bookshelve speakers - Mercury serious. very enjoy music. sorry no photo been taken.
10years ago, i got an very old Infinity Speakers - Kappa 9. this speakers are monster. they are hunger for power. It has 7 units per channel which include 2x 12" woofer.

there is one semit at the back!

matt 發表於 2010-2-27 11:57

of course MF A100 cannot push it. only hear mid range. no high no low.

afterward poisoned by other ching, i listened Pass lab to push Infinity speakers - same old age but higher series. it sound great. so i brought X350

you can see the current meter is in the middle which means these pair of speakers are power/current suckers.

matt 發表於 2010-2-27 12:01

of course it matched with own brand pre-amp X2.5

matt 發表於 2010-2-27 12:03

after 1 year, the CD player was dead. actually i quite love denon DCD2560. it was heavy duty, over 10kgs. i am so luckily, i brought a very new 2nd hand Linn - Ikemi. it brought my system alive.

matt 發表於 2010-2-27 12:04

old whole system

AV system will show later

matt 發表於 2010-2-27 12:08

old denon DCD-2560G

matt 發表於 2010-2-27 12:10

whole system

matt 發表於 2010-2-27 12:12

those are old days. now comes to my new set up which made me eat bread afterwards.

pineapple2007 發表於 2010-2-27 14:20


matt 發表於 2010-2-27 14:20

本帖最後由 matt 於 2012-5-2 23:56 編輯

timmywan 發表於 2010-2-27 13:58

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