matt 發表於 2010-2-27 14:27

let's go ->
Pre amp upgrade to

CDP upgrade to

speaker upgrade to

Whole family

av surround to be cont.....

thanks for looking!

pineapple2007 發表於 2010-2-27 14:31


marvintai 發表於 2010-2-27 15:05

wow...awesome...only saved for 10 years....and your dream comes envy....

KING 發表於 2010-2-27 15:25


sk555 發表於 2010-2-27 15:46

very nice gears~~~
but I think u should add 100" screen, that would be perfect~~~{:6_196:}

bembem 發表於 2010-2-27 19:09

Very nice!

hkbomberman 發表於 2010-2-27 19:35

Big Change... Nice Change!{:6_195:}

matt 發表於 2010-2-27 20:37

very nice gears~~~
but I think u should add 100" screen, that would be perfect~~~
sk555 發表於 2010-2-27 15:46

the distance for project is too short which cannot do 100". max 70-80". if it can be 100", i definite will do that. however it is too small therefore i gave up projector as my next target is 60" TV! need to save money and eat bread for another 5 years!

Sai-Lo 發表於 2010-2-27 20:48

nice to see you here, matt

oo_beebee 發表於 2010-2-27 21:03

本帖最後由 oo_beebee 於 2010-2-28 00:14 編輯

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查看完整版本: spent my 10years saving

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