athlonfx60 發表於 2020-4-29 01:19

Elvin_F 發表於 2020-4-29 00:09
但如果真係有。。。又唔係好捨得 ...

I think I will keep waiting... just wanna know who else in this forum has the same experience as me...

kazwat 發表於 2020-4-29 01:33


BerryChan@FB 發表於 2020-4-29 01:46

我2月 15訂,也曾問店鋪情況兩次,都係簡單答我未到, 其實我知道唔關店舖事,但 是否起碼要解釋下情況或者有否幫忙跟進呢?! 我也曾有考慮到商品說明條例,口頭承諾日期都是可以的, 希望代理見到呢個post 幫忙大家苦主!

lokkol 發表於 2020-4-29 07:37

打算可以隨時PayPal refund (自少代理無得嘈)

choisan 發表於 2020-4-29 08:36


df311 發表於 2020-4-29 09:48

"Be warned these cables have a high audio toxicity and people are known to suffer from loss of productivity due to the increased enjoyment of their audio from my cables.

The manufacturers (me, myself and I) take no responsibility for staring off into the distance for prolonged periods of time or the missing of public transport.My cables will poison your very soul with the need to have better audio I should probably apologise for this, but since I am likewise afflicted, tough.

I have made a selection of cables using the best components to bring your music to your ears.I love good audio and hope you too will join me in audio nirvana with Toxic Cables.

Due to high demand I want to let all potential customers know that I am working on a backlog of orders.Time taken to fulfil orders has come to the point I must let you know any new order will be delayed.I will not reduce quality for the sake of quantity.

New cables orders are estimated to take roughly 3-4 months from point of order.

Please feel free to make orders through the website as usual and to contact via email if you have any questions."

1/4 Update 新單都要起碼3-4個月先出到貨, 加上英國嘅疫情, 只好再等下.

ip_csl 發表於 2020-4-29 10:09

本帖最後由 ip_csl 於 2020-4-29 10:17 編輯

df311 發表於 2020-4-29 09:48
"Be warned these cables have a high audio toxicity and people are known to suffer from loss of produ ...

其實係經香港代理入貨會快過自己在 Toxic官網訂,才咁多人中招.還有香港代理的 website現在仍然寫訂貨大約等六到八星期就有貨.是否誤導人?
還有說慢工出細貨?我條 4.4 sw22 v2收到時左邊是無聲的.

BerryChan@FB 發表於 2020-4-29 10:34

df311 發表於 2020-4-29 09:48
"Be warned these cables have a high audio toxicity and people are known to suffer from loss of produ ...

請問這是否代表Toxic 英國或香港代理的Announcement??
或advertising campaign???

df311 發表於 2020-4-29 12:21

BerryChan@FB 發表於 2020-4-29 10:34
請問這是否代表Toxic 英國或香港代理的Announcement??
或advertising ca ...

Quoted from Toxic 官網, 不是代理的.

等... 寂寞到夜深...

lokkol 發表於 2020-4-29 13:22

ip_csl 發表於 2020-4-29 10:09
其實係經香港代理入貨會快過自己在 Toxic官網訂,才咁多人中招.還有香港代理的 website現在仍然寫訂貨大約 ...

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查看完整版本: 有冇人等緊 Toxic cable 到貨?

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