Chubill 發表於 2020-6-20 22:43

各位有興趣可以睇下乜野叫"關公災難", Chord俾人圍插:

Lofi321 發表於 2020-6-21 01:25


Chubill 發表於 2020-6-22 10:43


Ok this is it. I'm returning my 2go tomorrow. Who the hell calls out its own customers for talk about a third party accessory that we shouldn't have needed in the first place? What is wrong with you?

1. Hugo 2 rca out *does* sound better than phone out. This is a known fact, even if it is not by design. Search "hugo2" on twitter and you'll see most of the Japanese users are using some sort of adapter to listen from the rca out. We aren't complaining about it, even though we could. If an engineer of yours cannot hear it on speakers or headphones then I'm ... speechless.

2. I've had my 2go for 3 weeks now. I find the time I spend listening to music drastically decreases from when I was with my previous gear, thanks to this piece of hardware that rarely works. My experience is from attempting to play music from SD card via MPD, controlled by an iphone through a dedicated external router using various MPD client apps.
- 60% of the time the 2go does not power on together when hugo2 is powered on. I have to long press the config button to turn on the 2go.​
- 30% of the time even the config button does not turn on the 2go. No, it does not even turn on!​
- 30% of the time the config button turns on the 2go, but it does not connect to my wifi, whether or not the network indicator says so.​
- 40% of the time 2go does power on together with hugo2.​
- 30% of the time I can listen to my music, only to be interrupted <5 mins in. The 2go will disconnect from the network and stop playing music, whether or not the network indicator says so.​
- 10% of the time I can listen to my music in peace. Damn the hugo2 can sing.​

3. As for the gofigure app, I actually don't think there is much to improve: when my 2go works (that 10% of the time), I can toggle it's setting in the app. When my 2go is acting funny (that 90% of the time), the app won't be able to find my 2go (via bluetooth). So yeah, the app is fine; it's just useless (aside from the initial setup, which took me hours). Don't expect to fix connection issues with it.

4. I plan to get a used ak3xx player and use the ak connect feature with the hugo2.

5. Bottom line: don't buy the 2go unless you need a break from the music you love.

Chubill 發表於 2020-6-22 10:45

有聽過Hugo2 rca同phone out既師兄有冇野可分享下?

vicky907 發表於 2020-6-22 11:45

Chubill 發表於 2020-6-22 10:45
有聽過Hugo2 rca同phone out既師兄有冇野可分享下?

{:1_326:}{:1_245:} 我都已經用咗呢個 RCA TO 4.4 一段時間喇, 效果完全係正面嘅, 簡單啲講一句,用咗之後唔想掹返出嚟, 無論喺樂器嘅分離度, 背景寧靜到, 空間感 都有正面嘅改善

Chubill 發表於 2020-6-22 12:03

vicky907 發表於 2020-6-22 11:45
我都已經用咗呢個 RCA TO 4.4 一段時間喇, 效果完全係正面嘅, 簡單啲講一句,用咗 ...


Chubill 發表於 2020-6-23 00:14

就快有2go firmware update:

Stage one of the firmware rollout has just completed.
There are now new versions of Gofigure for Android and iOS released which will be available across the world over the next 24 hours. V 1.2.90 for Android , V2.05 for iOS.
These include bug fixes and some essential updates for the new 2Go firmware.

Chubill 發表於 2020-6-23 00:15

Here is a basic list but primarily the update to Gofigure is to optimise operation with the upcoming firmware release.

• playlist refresh
• battery status fix (requires updated firmware)
• additional radio stations
• DSD/bit perfect volume fixing
• general prompt message fixes
• BT pin when connecting via WiFi fix
• toggle switch changes (Android)
• WiFi network settings stability improvements
• music services login credentials fix
• manual SUBMIT button in WiFi settings fix
• WiFi switching wait message.

Lofi321 發表於 2020-6-23 00:39


vicky907 發表於 2020-6-23 06:30


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