nikfung 發表於 2020-6-18 23:45

Lofi321 發表於 2020-6-10 00:14
Chord 2Go, combined with Hugo 2, delivers the kind of audiophile performance that leaves you speec ...


Chubill 發表於 2020-6-19 00:28

這個Hugo2 gold version比rca -> 4.4 (1960s, 2 core)好太多了, 甚至懷疑我條rca是假......😳

Chubill 發表於 2020-6-19 00:44

如果2go"失常", 外國師兄教重新開機 + 按下小小黑色圓制:
It's also worth noting that each time I have managed to 'confuse' 2go, a power-cycle with the little black button has aways cleared up the issues.

Chubill 發表於 2020-6-19 08:30

外國好多案例關於一路charge電, 一路運作2go + Hugo2, 會中斷wifi connection, 用家唯有避免咁做

Lofi321 發表於 2020-6-19 20:50

Chubill 發表於 2020-6-19 08:30
外國好多案例關於一路charge電, 一路運作2go + Hugo2, 會中斷wifi connection, 用家唯有避免咁做 ...


Chubill 發表於 2020-6-20 00:24

好消息, 下星期好有可能有firmware update可解決"pops and clicks"問題。以下是Chord負責人最新回覆:

Guys I understand that some of you are very frustrated but to put it into perspective the vast majority
of customers do not have these issues and are very happy with 2Go. Of course this does not mean that
we have been ignoring the problems you have identified - far from it.
We have been working very hard behind the scenes to get some fixes to you although it is far from
straightforward due to the nature of these problems but also because we have been trying to work
through what has been some of the most challenging times ever due to Coronavirus outbreak.

Anyway the good news is that next week we will be releasing a fix for the pops and clicks issue
and also the Airplay issue.
I know you have reported other problems which we are still looking at but hopefully this will
be good news for most of you.

As soon as I have the release day I will let you know.

Chubill 發表於 2020-6-20 11:23

今早真係俾Chord激到, 話説我在上幾個post提到用左隻rac aadptor, 效果正面, 好開心, 在這裡分享, 亦有在外國討論區分享, 有師兄亦有興趣。重申我只是個普通用家, 呢隻adaptor賣成點絶對與我無關。今日有個Chord负責人出来話我亂用forum去宣傳呢隻"unwarranted parasite", 即係話隻野係不被官方認可, 亦對佢產品有害。我真的忍不住回了幾個post, 我出發點只是分享經驗, 完全是一個用家角色, Chord不如用時間去做好自己本份, 尤其係2go對用家的不良使用經驗 (什麼問題在此不重複)

HugoPoon@FB 發表於 2020-6-20 11:56

本帖最後由 HugoPoon@FB 於 2020-6-20 12:02 編輯

Chubill 發表於 2020-6-20 11:23
今早真係俾Chord激到, 話説我在上幾個post提到用左隻rac aadptor, 效果正面, 好開心, 在這裡分享, 亦有在外 ...

How I share your frustrations, Bill! Funny (and a little sad), I tried explaining the same findings to these people almost three years ago (see the above). Pretty soon, I realized I better save my breath! And as of now, I simply find the Hugo 2 rather outdated already, not worth spending more time, energy and of course money...

Chubill 發表於 2020-6-20 13:13

HugoPoon@FB 發表於 2020-6-20 11:56 ...

其實多的用家對accessory有興趣, 間接/直接幫到佢本身件產品, 的外國廠就係咁stubborn, 固步自封, 一成不變

Lofi321 發表於 2020-6-20 17:18

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