now 高清解碼器
有無ching 用緊,請問最大可支援多大harddisk? 那一牌子較好?pccw門市話最多250g,但technical hotline話沒有限制,不知那個才對!請幫幫忙!謝謝! I'm using Buffalo 1GB it works perfectly.I heard it max support 1.5GB but no prove.......... {:6_180:} 謝謝ching! Hutmonkey, a side question for you, does you encounter any problem on using the remote of HD now media box?Mine is it works ok when you first turn on but if it has been used after 1 hour, the remote control may not be always work, normally pressed 10 times only 5 times success.I even bought a new Logitech universal remote to replace it but seems it still keep happening.So I'm guessing if there is any problem with the media box instead of the remote.{:6_123:} I'm using Buffalo 1GB it works perfectly.I heard it max support 1.5GB but no prove.......... {:6_1 ...
danny73 發表於 2010-2-25 13:37
is 1TB???? danny73,
I seldom use the original remote but same to you of using the logitech universal remote. By the way , I hvnt encountered any problme on the remote after 1 hr used wow. Maybe better to have their technical guy for replacement wow.
On more question on the recording function, do u need to format your buffalo 1T to FAT32 by computer first or it can be done by NOW HD decorder? Thx! I'm using Buffalo 500GB(Passport size), It's work! to papabaggio:
thx for your reply. For Buffalo 500GB(Passport size), is it 2.5 inch" notebook harddisk without power supply? Is it simply plug into the usb socket of the NOW HD decoder which can give power for recording? thx! is 1TB????
stanley2468 發表於 2010-2-25 14:50
Yes, it's 1TB......{:6_136:} danny73,
I seldom use the original remote but same to you of using the logitech universal remote. B ...
hutmonkey 發表於 2010-2-25 15:03
Yes but no need do it in a computer, just pub the harddisk into the front USB hole, then in the "onelink" menu of Now media box it's an option called "manage your harddisk", just click it and start a quick format before it can be used.