PP-HK 發表於 2010-2-7 23:25

我都覺得扯得遠左了, 每個環境都不同, 器材也不同, 沒可能統一到的。至於線材的設計, 廠家都是希望調較到一個較為平衡的音式, 如果要用package的形式來賣, 不是沒有可能, 我想成本太高了。

chanwt 發表於 2010-2-8 22:32

Hmm.. may be my last post was a bit mis-leading. Sorry sorry!
In fact what I am questioning was if good cable need to match "good" plug to produce "good sound" then who should know what "good" plug matches their cable best?? Must be their own brand plug! What I tried to highlight was A good cable should sound "better"when their sound are not affected by any plug (if the plug affect the sound at all and it is almost agreed that any plug, no matter how "good" they are, they will de-grade or affect the sound ).

I still think without plug will give you the most "nature" sound what the cable suppose to give you! if you don;t like the sound, then the cable is not for you, I am just opposing the idea that a plug is being used to "alter" or "adjust" the sound given by the cable.


obee 發表於 2010-2-10 12:46

其實我信唔同 cable 同 plug 會有效聲作用, 但我覺得一定係部機(CDP, amp, speaker)先係最決定性 (over 90%). 所以我覺得不應花over 10% of total cost 於線材上.

PP-HK 發表於 2010-2-10 14:14

理論上如此, 但hifi唔係淨講理論, 就如數碼理論上係好過analog, 但我既體驗係我唔鐘意聽數碼聲。sacd理論上係會好過cd, 但實際上有人寧願聽返cd, 甚至有趨勢聽番黑膠。至於線插係咪好過裸插, 我覺得個人體驗很重要, 如果覺得裸插好, 唔需要聽人講, 堅持自己的信念可以了。但當某一天試過線插俾到唔同的體會時, 一時又無妨的。

我個人都唔會投資太多於線材的, 所以玩stereo都要揀隻冇得玩線既牌子。但在音響的歷練當中, 體驗過線材係可以改變很大的, 不過最難的唔係投資多少落線材到, 係如何攞個平衡。

音響好個人的, 冇話錯與對, 只有鍾意定唔鍾定。{:6_146:}

PP-HK 發表於 2010-2-10 14:48

其實你之前講得好岩架, 以前人玩hifi真係好多都係用裸插, 仲要好多人都係用紅黑線添。但音響發展左咁多年, 到而家咁注重線材及插頭, 其實個市場已經話左俾我地知, 呢類輔助器材的定位已佔一定地位。早十幾年前d線, 有高就冇低, 厚聲多數肥, 有分析力就多數偏薄。估唔到今天線材發展到呢個地步, 早輪幫朋友買條sfh及自己換條2.6係各方面都頗平衡, 令我有耳目一新的感覺。

錢--唔係駛唔駛的問題, 係駛得開唔開心先重要。

snoopyboy001 發表於 2010-2-10 16:35

音響好個人, 冇話錯與對, 只有鍾意定唔鍾意 X 2 {:6_211:}{:6_193:}

huahungmaster 發表於 2010-2-10 16:52

「錢--唔係駛唔駛的問題, 係駛得開唔開心先重要。」金句!

chanwt 發表於 2010-2-12 18:16

if you wanna ..."比別人懂得花..", you have to understand why you want to spend that kind of money, and what do you expect for return. That is the answer what I am looking for.

chanwt 發表於 2010-2-13 10:04

"更係用蕉啦, 出入方便, 話插就插"--totally agree...but.....
is it still worth if it already agreed that it will affect the sound quality...
think about it, you spend so much money on the speakers, amp, cables and also the plug and it WILL affect or even degrade your system sound....
IS it worth.

solid_snake 發表於 2010-2-13 10:51

我的有一個諗法, 就是選擇。
同意插頭係會劣化音質, 亦同意裸插係會好D。不過, 裸插會面對氧化的問題, 而且直接把線材夾到喇叭上, 更有機會破壞條線, 以上兩點可能會比用插更加劣化音質, 而且冇得番轉頭。
PP-HK 發表於 2010-2-7 00:24 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

以上已經係最佳答案啦! 我都同意線材氧化對音質影響比使用插頭大.
頁: 1 [2] 3
查看完整版本: 用線插的真正原因????

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