發表於 2010-2-6 23:13
本帖最後由 cmsjkung 於 2010-2-6 23:18 編輯
cwb原音無得試 無機擺係度 問過價 要 $ !&%))
ming 發表於 2010-2-6 23:00
I thought 505u price is around $ !$)) to !%))... , but how much for 507u.... {:6_178:}
Any C-Hing can provide comments about Rokan Kandy K2, how much and where I can try... Thanks.... {:6_141:}
Also what is the sound like for 505u.... {:6_229:}
發表於 2010-2-6 23:14
旺角音響中心 Tel: 2771 0535
西洋菜南街1L-M 1樓
輝煌影音 Tel: 2137 5638
西洋菜南街51號 友誠商業中心11樓
永成攝影器材 Tel: 2396 6885
505u哩幾到都有得試..去睇吓... ...
粟米湯 發表於 2010-2-6 22:39
Thanks C-Hing... very useful information..... {:6_193:}
發表於 2010-2-6 23:43
Where I can try and how much....
cmsjkung 發表於 2010-2-6 16:40
mk pak yue 16/fl. px around your budget 20k. try first, nothing to loose.
or test all ching suggestion first then select few the sound you like and have further audtion with your beloved cd.
發表於 2010-2-6 23:50
mk pak yue 16/fl. px around your budget 20k. try first, nothing to loose.
or test all ching suggestion first then select few the sound you like and have further audtion with your beloved cd.
matt 發表於 2010-2-6 23:43
Yes.... Thanks for your advise.... I will do that.... just want to collect all C-Hing suggestions first, and then go to try different Int AMP.... but really want to know what is the 505u sound like.... and compare with other such as Accuphase E350 and Rokan Kandy K2.... what are the difference between them..... {:6_147:}
發表於 2010-2-7 00:00
cwb原音無得試 無機擺係度 問過價 要 $ !&%))
ming 發表於 2010-2-6 23:00
發表於 2010-2-7 01:03
cmsjkung hing, I just bought 507u. I tried 505u in two shops with different speakers before (Dyna floorstand and Proac floorstand), I am using b&w 805s now so actually that's no meaning to test those speakers.
I tried 507u in MK gallery (the shop that near MK California gym) and 505u with same setting (same CD, speaker, just change the amp). The difference is noticeable. The sound is more powerful and transparent. I guess 509 will be more "warm" because it's pure A. 505u and 507u is just similar in sound taste I think.
Luxman is really good, I think it's quite similar to Accuphase, but the sound is less "thick". However, since I tried in them in different shops, with different setting, and you know, setting can affect the sound quite a lot. So your final setting should be the major consideration of what amp you want.
發表於 2010-2-7 01:07
36# kenneth_obee
請問部507U買咗幾錢? 我都有興趣!
發表於 2010-2-7 01:08
Look at your budget, 505u is a very good choice. When I choose int amp, I set my budget to 30k (new) or 20k (2nd hand), I found that Accuphase is good, but the 2nd price is just 20% discount compare to brand new. Then I look at Luxman, but there's few 2nd hand, so I choose 507u.
I know that luxman has increased their price last year (2008-09), before that, the 505u just cost !$))), but new price at is !&))). Since 507u is new model (released in Nov 09), so there should be no one who could buy lower than current price. That's also why I choose 507u compare with 505u.
PM me if you want to know more detail of Luxman. Hope you find your dream amp very soon.
發表於 2010-2-7 01:31
Luxman is good, but maybe a bit cold for MA (which is already quite neutral)
發表於 2010-2-7 10:07
Look at your budget, 505u is a very good choice. When I choose int amp, I set my budget to 30k (new) or 20k (2nd hand), I found that Accuphase is good, but the 2nd price is just 20% discount compare t ...
kenneth_obee 發表於 2010-2-7 01:08
Thanks kenneth_obee C-Hing....
Can you tell how much for 507u...... and where did you get it.... Thanks.... {:6_178:}