cmsjkung 發表於 2010-2-6 16:39

Hi cmsjkung, I was considering McIntosh or Accuphase, it seems that McIntosh is a much better match, but is prohibitively expensive if separates are considered, and the biggest drawback is that McInto ...
googleli 發表於 2010-2-6 14:06

Thanks C-Hing, good advise....

cmsjkung 發表於 2010-2-6 16:40

suggest atoll in200 around yr price range, i heard to match with Elac and triangle and atohm. France culture and sweet can balance elac cool HF, balance fast of triangle, good match with Atohm. even t ...
matt 發表於 2010-2-6 14:42

Where I can try and how much....

cmsjkung 發表於 2010-2-6 16:41

my dad and i recently bought a primare i21 for just around 10K plus!!!but it doesn't has by-pass!!!do you really need bypass btw ???
reanult360 發表於 2010-2-6 15:35

Yes, by-pass is important, since I can use it with AV AMP for movie.... {:6_139:}

seraphim 發表於 2010-2-6 18:46

一萬元的Rokan Kandy K2, 我聽過很不錯, 有AV Pass功能.

cmsjkung 發表於 2010-2-6 18:50

一萬元的Rokan Kandy K2, 我聽過很不錯, 有AV Pass功能.
seraphim 發表於 2010-2-6 18:46

Thanks C-Hing... It looks very good.... where I can try..... {:6_139:}

pineapple2007 發表於 2010-2-6 18:52

Under $20K Int Amp
Luxman 505U 係一個不錯選擇{:6_193:}

cmsjkung 發表於 2010-2-6 19:06

Under $20K Int Amp
Luxman 505U 係一個不錯選擇{:6_193:}
pineapple2007 發表於 2010-2-6 18:52

Where I can try and buy..... {:6_178:}, does it got AV bypass....

pineapple2007 發表於 2010-2-6 19:18

中環名望音響 ,中環&causeway bay圓音...都可以試
luxman505u有個制可張前後級分開獨立作前級or後級用.即是可作av 前置speaker的後級用.

cmsjkung 發表於 2010-2-6 19:54

中環名望音響 ,中環&causeway bay圓音...都可以試
luxman505u有個制可張前後級分開獨立作前級or後級用.即是可作av 前置speaker的後級用.
pineapple2007 發表於 2010-2-6 19:18

Can you tell how much is it, if luxman505u compare with Rokan Kandy K2, which one better..... Thanks... {:6_136:}

pineapple2007 發表於 2010-2-6 20:10

505u around !*)))...Rokan Kandy K2我未試過呀,其實我係用緊509u不過聽好多師兄對505u都有讚無彈,有時間去試試la最好去名望試因佢先有show埋509u你就試埋2部分別(*請注意509u經常斷貨連display都無)但小心509u好毒ka....因住一身血先走反出來.{:6_192:}
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